The Cuban comedianUlises Toirac He denounced the censorship of the Ministry of Culture, which is pressuring show organizers not to hire him, which means he cannot work and therefore does not earn money.
According to the actor in his profileFacebook, in the last month it had only two presentations planned, and in both of them the organization told those responsible that they had to change the cast.
"In one explicitly (there was no choice, he was the only one who acted, besides the organizer) and in the other ambiguously (but he was the figure of the show)," he explained.
Ulysses demanded answers from the Ministry and reminded him that he needs to work to live.
"Let's see if we understand each other: who put me on 'the list' and what are their reasons? Do you know that refusing to work denies me a life? Please, 'interested' in private. And I'm going to record this time. It's not going to be like the time they denied me to record it, okay?" he concluded.
In the comments section, Ulises added - using mild language - that what they are doing to him is not honorable, nor "revolutionary", nor men.
The comedian received the solidarity of dozens of Cubans, including colleagues who also suffered censorship from the regime.
"That's how they started with me and no one believed me," the actor recalledErdwin Fernandez Collado.
"They are very serious. They don't laugh, only grimace. But if you act in English, they may understand you and even laugh. I love you," said thefilmmaker Juan Vilar.
"HDLGP," expressed the actressZelma Morales.
In recent months, Ulises has been very critical of the situation in the country and the government's responsibility in the current crisis, and has defended the right of people to protest.
In August, he commented that theCayo Santa María Festival is totally out of reach of the average Cuban, who has a hard time eating or feeding his children, and asked his compatriots to worry about something really aimed at solving something for ordinary people. "The others have their problem solved," he stressed.
In July,He questioned what is "the mystery of fishing in Cuba", and he remembered that in the 90s, during a trip to the Mexican city of Campeche, he used to go to the boardwalk to see the sale of fish that the fishermen had brought in their small boats.
"And I'm telling you, I don't know anything about fish or fishing. But... It's the same Caribbean Sea, right? What is the mystery from Campeche to Cuba?" he asked.
In May, when a massive protest against the government occurred in Caimanera, the comedian expressed on his networks that "People took to the streets to shout their frustrations.".
He also mocked the arguments of the government, which blamed three alleged drunks for the massive demonstration in the Guantanamo city.
"I don't think any spy crossed the mined area around the base to encourage, pay for and lead the demonstration. At least I didn't see anyone leading it without an arm or a leg. I didn't see any drunks either (there probably were, but most walked straight), and to top it all off, they didn't turn over any cars or vandalize stores," he said.
Ulises also criticized the violent repression suffered by the peaceful and unarmed population by the Special Brigades of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT).
"The tonfas like birthday candles were lovingly dedicated to the section... attacking the tranquility... Mmmm... strange action-reaction balance," he ironized.
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