Singer from the Original de Manzanillo recovers from injuries caused by a bottle crash at a concert in Ciego de Ávila

Katia Naranjo, daughter of Pachy Naranjo, is progressing well and is already deflated. The young woman suffered stitch wounds inside and outside her lip and nose, a fractured septum, injuries to several teeth, and a cut near her right eye.

Katia Naranjo Alarcón © Katia Naranjo Alarcón / Facebook
Katia Naranjo Alarcón Photo © Katia Naranjo Alarcón / Facebook

Katia Naranjo Alarcón, singer of the Manzanillo Original Orchestra satisfactorily recovers from injuries caused by a bottle that he received during a concert in Morón, Ciego de Ávila.

Raul Ramirez, the group's technician, informed all those who have been concerned about the young woman's state of health, that she is progressing very well and that she is already deflated.

"She is the one who has encouraged all the members of the Original de Manzanillo to move forward, to continue giving concerts, to release La Góndola - which we were not going to do -; but that's how strong she is. Thank you all very much ", he detailed in Facebook.

Facebook screenshot / Katia Naranjo Alarcón

Katia Naranjo Alarcón, teacher's daughter Wilfredo Salvador "Pachy" Orange Green, was attacked on August 26 during an orchestra performance, by a man in the audience who threw a bottle on stage and caused stitch wounds inside and outside the lip and in the nostril, fracture of the septum, injuries to several teeth and a cut near the right eye.

On Thursday, the artist herself updated on her convalescence and thanked the people for their love and solidarity, those who helped her after the attack, the health personnel who treated her at the Morón Hospital and the interest shown by Culture and the Company of the Music of Ciego de Ávila.

"I'm recovering little by little, I still sleep semi-sitting in the morning fracture in the nose and breathing through the mouth due to all the nasal congestion that caused the trauma. The inflammation is slowly going down, the stitches are healing and I continue to feed myself with soft diet, since I had injuries to my teeth"he explained.

Facebook capture / Raúl Ramírez

The young woman added that she is in good spirits and that she has faith that she will recover and get out of this situation with God's favor.

The Attorney General's Office decreed provisional prison for the man who threw the bottle at him during the presentation of the Original on Saturday, August 26 in Morón.

"A 53-year-old citizen, resident in the municipality itself, is being charged with charges; the Prosecutor's Office indicated the procedures to be carried out to clarify the facts, characteristics of the accused and the motives for his illicit conduct," the entity said.

The measure was announced after the sister of the attacked woman, Karelia Naranjo, will denounce that the Katia's attacker had been released by the police with a precautionary measure, under the arguments that the damage caused was slight, and that the man could not be in a cell because he had a colectomy and also has psychiatric papers.

"This has been a total lack of respect! What does this mean? What had to happen for the injuries to be serious? What had to happen for that unfortunate man to remain in jail? "I don't care about everything that 'Major' asked me, the only thing I experience today is that because of that man we are all in the orchestra suffering this damage, especially my parents," he said in his Facebook.

Facebook Capture / Karelia Naranjo

"What respect is there for Pachy, the Maestro and National Music Prize Winner, Youth Teacher? What respect is there for the Original Orchestra of Manzanillo, what respect is there for my mother who suffers to see her daughter like this, what respect is there for women in this country? Does this mean that Any crazy person can do whatever they want and disfigure someone, end up on the street and nothing happens."Just a precautionary measure?" he questioned.

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