Democratic Concertation Front demands repatriation of Cubans from the Ukraine war

"Cuban society is dismayed by Cubans who are being hired as mercenaries by the Russian State to fight against the Ukrainian people," the organization said.

The Democratic Concertation Front (D Frente) demanded that the Cuban government repatriation of citizens who are participating in Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The organization, which brings together plural Cuban civilians and politicians whose objective is to achieve the refoundation of the Republic on the Island, Cuba, ensures that the Cuban society is dismayed by those who have been hired as mercenaries by the Russian State to fight against the Ukrainian people.

The group issued a statement condemning the efforts - which according to the Cuban Foreign Ministry, they are illegitimate and illegal. of agents of the Russian State inside Cuba, where They have hired people with military training to integrate their troops.

Facebook Capture / (R Front)

"D Frente demands that the Government of Cuba defend the security of the country from such humiliations within its borders. Also that, based on International Law, it officially condemns the Russian State for this interference and for this declared, open and repulsive mercenarism; and in accordance to the existing legislation in Cuba, fulfills its constitutional obligation to sue the Russian State for such practices," he states in his web.

The organization cited several international norms that are being violated with the presence of Cubans in the Russian army fighting in Ukraine, such as the Hague Convention, the Geneva Conventions, the International Convention against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and training of mercenaries, and a document on the use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights from the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

He also asked the Government of Cuba to assume responsibility for demanding the immediate repatriation of the Cubans and for protecting those who have made the complaint public from Russia, using the Cuban embassy in the Russian Federation.

Finally, he demanded that the population be informed systematically, widely and transparently, about these regrettable events.

The Castro regime denies its direct participation in the war conflict. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared that They are not sending young people to the war in Ukraine, and that the Ministry of the Interior is working to dismantle a human trafficking network for military recruitment purposes.

On Friday, a Cuban sent a message over the Internet to the Russian government, in which he showed his willingness to go fight in the war against Ukraine because he likes war, and that if they pay for his trip, he could go there next month. coming.

"I want to go to your country to fight because I was a soldier and I like war., I like to fight, I like to fight. And with the money they are going to pay us, whether they kill us or not, help my family, because they know the situation in this country," he said.

The man asked the Russian recruiters to call him and explain the procedures he must do, that he has his passport but they would have to pay for his ticket, because he does not have any money.

"We are brothers, Cubans and Russians. Here I am waiting, to see if they give me a result and I can be there next month. I just wait for you, the faster the better," he stressed.

After confirming the presence of Cuban mercenaries hired by the Russian Army, Cuba remained silent until on Monday the Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared that They are not sending young people to the war in Ukraine, and that the Ministry of the Interior is working to dismantle a human trafficking network for military recruitment purposes.

Barely 72 hours later, the regime announced the arrest of at least 17 people linked to a trafficking network of people that operates in Russia and Cuba.

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