Head of European diplomacy celebrates Cuba's “efforts” to put an end to sending mercenaries to Russia

“We welcome all efforts made by Cuba to end these practices,” said Josep Borrell's spokesman.

Miguel Díaz-Canel y Josep Borrell en La Habana, y mercenarios cubanos en Rusia © X / @DiazCanelB - Alain Paparazzi Cubano
Miguel Díaz-Canel and Josep Borrell in Havana, and Cuban mercenaries in Russia Photo © X / @DiazCanelB - Alain Paparazzi Cubano

The High Representative of theEuropean Union (EU) for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy,Joseph Borrell, validated the official statements from Havana about a plot outside the Cuban regime dedicated tohire mercenaries to send to war in Ukraine, and welcomed the intervention of the authorities to put an end to it.

This was expressed in statements toMartí News a spokesman for the office of the head of diplomacy of the European Union, who described as “unacceptable” any attempt, in Russia or abroad, “to deceptively attract Cuban citizens or any other country, to join the "Russia's illegal war of aggression against Ukraine."

“We welcome all efforts made by Cuba to end these practices”said the spokesperson for the High Representative, acceptingthe statements in that sense expressed by the Cuban Foreign Ministry and avoiding delving into the mountain of evidence of the alleged presence of Cuban mercenaries in a conflict that seriously compromises the security of the EU.

As the trickle of revelations andtestimonies of young Cubans who claim to have been“scammed” with alleged work contracts in Russia, who now realize that they are under the orders of the Russian Army, Brussels issues statements that seem to accept as good the official version of a regime with a history of extensive presence in conflicts in third countries.

Borrell also did not comment on the leaks of documents andpassports of Cubans held by senior Russian officials in charge of the recruitment and logistics of mercenary troops at the service of the Kremlin's interests, exonerating the regimes in Havana and Moscow from responsibility with their striking silence.

Martí News He addressed the United Nations Working Group on the Use of Mercenaries and the Spanish government seeking statements in this regard, but they did not respond to the media's questions.

For their part, activists and groups of thecivil society continue to denounce what they consider a “direct participation” of the Cuban regime in the invasion of Ukraine and express their doubts about the official version of authorities now engaged in “controlling the damage” caused by the revelations of their alleged involvement in a war scenario that compromises the economic and security interests of the international community.

After days of silence on the issue, on Monday, September 4, theMinistry of Foreign Affairs (MINREX) of Cuba issued a Declaration in which it denied any link with the sending of young people to the war in Ukraine.

For his part, theMinisterio del Interior (MININT) reported the dismantling of a human trafficking network for military recruitment purposes,claiming that 17 people had been arrested.

"We are aware of these reports and are currently only trying to evaluate additional information. I have nothing to offer about the veracity or information offered in that statement, butwe continue investigating it"said a spokesperson for theDepartment of State, stating that the United States government was investigating information about the alleged recruitment of Cubans for theRussia's war against Ukraine.

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