Erdwin Fernández: "No one tells Carlos Massola 'from the outside' what he has to do"

Erdwin applauded the bravery of his friend, who, being a public figure, publicly and openly demanded the freedom of political prisoners in Cuba.

Erdwin Fernández y Carlos Massola © Erdwin Fernández Collado / Facebook y captura de video de Facebook de Carlos Massola
Erdwin Fernandez and Carlos Massola Photo © Erdwin Fernández Collado / Facebook and Facebook video capture by Carlos Massola

The Cuban actorErdwin Fernandez sent a message of support to his colleague and friendCarlos Massola, after thispublicly demanded the freedom of political prisoners on the island.

Erdwin applauded his friend's bravery in denouncing the situation in Cuba openly, being a public figure, and called on other artists to do the same, just as he did at the time.

"He says what he thinks about the situation in Cuba (...), he talks about political prisoners, not ordinary prisoners; he asks for freedom for those who only think differently and he does it in public. What's wrong with that? "he asked on his wallFacebook.

The actor stressed that the leaders, including the president, are civil servants, who professionally carry out a public job.​ "They are not gods, they are not untouchable".

Facebook screenshot / Erdwin Fernández Collado

"The people, the citizens are the most important thing.No one 'from the outside' tells Carlos Massola what he has to say or do, no one 'pushes' him"He is just a man, a public figure, a citizen, an artist saying what he believes without disrespecting anyone," he said.

"Carlo Mazzola has a career, he has an audience, he does not 'buy' a career or an audience, he does not climb the ladder, he does not exchange opportunities or promotions for silence; he may feel from time to time the fear that we all feel, but he overcomes it, and it is him, it's that simple. Bravo for you, my brother," he concluded.

Erdwin is not the only actor who has shown his support forCarlos Massola, who not only demanded the release of political prisoners but demanded that the ruler Díaz-Canel stop the suffering of the relatives.

Armando Tomey also shared a post on hisFacebook in which he assures that Massola is neither crazy nor drunk, that he only dared to speak for millions.

Facebook capture / Armando Tomey

Last week, in a video of just over two minutes, Massola referred to recent statements by the Minister of EconomyAlejandro Gil, who said that the only way out of the Cuban crisis is revolution.

"Tell me, Alejandro Gil, what revolution are you talking about to me? That the solution is the revolution? If the revolutionaries are us, who are screwing ourselves here, with nothing to eat. Let's see, Díaz-Canel, tell me, yes You have everything figured out, the refrigerator is full. (...) What is the morbidity of making political prisoners, the families, suffer? Get them out of jail, if you have nothing to lose. you; they don't have weapons to kill you," he stressed.

"If you are a ruler of this country, where everything is square, why do you make the poor family of political prisoners suffer, like Lisandra Góngora, whose father you have forced to go with the children to the Island of Youth, Wilmer? I'm asking you for a little kindness, save your people while you can, you're pretty screwed," he questioned.

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