Heartbreaking message from actor Carlos Mazzola: "Why they make political prisoners suffer"

The actor called for the release of political prisoners and asked to be magnanimous with their families.

The renowned Cuban actor Carlos Mazzola launched strong criticism of the government this Friday for the suffering of political prisoners and their relatives in the families.

In a video of just over two minutes posted onFacebook The actor referred to the latest statements by the Minister of Economy Alejandro Gil, who said that the onlyway out of the crisis in the country is the revolution, and said that if the ruling class in Cuba has its problems solved, why do they keep more than 1,000 citizens prisoners for political reasons.

"Tell me Alejandro Gil, what revolution are you talking about to me? That the solution is the revolution? If the revolutionaries are us, who are screwing ourselves here, with nothing to eat. Let's see, Díaz-Canel, tell me if you You have everything resolved, the refrigerator is full, the Valdés Mesa too, the Lazo, if you have everything perfect, what is the morbidity of making the political prisoners, the families, suffer? Get them out of jail if you have nothing to lose? "They are not a threat to you; they have no weapons to kill you," he stressed.

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Likewise, he asked the regime to have an act of magnanimity similar to that of the movie "Schindler's List."

"Do like the movie "Schindler's List", be magnanimous, save. Damn! But how long are we going to put up with this if there is nothing to eat? Now people say I'm fat, because I eat the pieces of rice inside with bread, that's what makes you bloated," he continued.

In his message, addressed in its last part to the ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel, he pointed out: "If you are a ruler of this country, where everything is square, why do you make the poor family of political prisoners, like Lisandra Góngora, suffer? ", to which you have forced the father to go with the children to the Isle of Youth, to Wilmer? I am asking you for a little kindness, save your town while you can, you have it pretty screwed up," Massola said.

This artist is one of the few on the island who has systematically denounced the situation of Cuban political prisoners. Ketty de la Iglesia also stands out, with devastating criticism of the regime and urgent calls for justice to be done and the protesters of July 11, 2021 to be released.

Recently Massola denounced thatunplugged the refrigerator at home because he had no food and he especially regretted that his 83-year-old mother, with whom he lives, is going through a situation like this.

"I know perfectly well that I am not the only one, that there are many people in my situation and worse, but who have had to disconnect the refrigerator from the power because they did not have anything to put in food, who have to eat three pieces of sweet potato and also, giving them to my 83-year-old mother without milk or even an egg," he lamented.

Days later, dozens of Cubans showed their support and identified with the situation, as they are going through the same difficulties to put food on the table.

Relatives and colleagues of Massola also spoke out andThey criticized the serious shortage of food that crosses the country.

One of them was the actor Erdwin Fernández, a resident of Miami and a great friend of Carlos since they were both very young.

"Carlos Massola is one of the few actors and friends in Cuba, and here in Miami too (3 or 4, no more) who has his timbales well placed," he stressed.

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