Elderly Cuban man eats leaves due to lack of food: "I spent 27 months in Ethiopia"

"I don't know if you eat it, I do know that I'm hungry and I have to eat, and I don't have money!" said the old man to a woman who saw him eating leaves from a plant.

An elderly Cuban was discovered eating leaves from plants in the garden of a house because, according to what he said, he is hungry and has nothing to eat.

The scene apparently happened in Havana, although it could happen anywhere in Cuba, where there are more and more elderly and other vulnerable people living in extreme misery.

A woman passing by on the street saw the man and was surprised to see him eating leaves. When asked if they were edible, he answered bluntly:

"I eat it because I'm hungry. I don't know if it's edible, I do know that I'm hungry and I have to eat, and I don't have money!"

She sadly recommended that he not eat that, as it could harm him, and he insisted that he had no money.

"I spent 27 months in Ethiopia, in the war," he recalled with pain.

The video was shared on the wall ofFacebook from the user Despierta Cuban.

"An elderly Cuban (ex-combatant) is so hungry that he feeds on the leaves of plants," commented the author.

There are many ex-combatants in Cuba who today are forgotten by the Castro regime, after having participated in wars and other missions in Africa, where they even risked their lives.

Recently the Cuban Observatory of Human Rights (OCDH) showed the situation of two of these elderly people, homeless, on the streets and without a pension that allows them to live with dignity. BothThey are dedicated to collecting cans in the garbage and streets to sell them and be able to eat something.

"Older people, former combatants, tell how after fighting for the revolution, now the government has them helpless," the OCDH denounced on its Twitter account.

At the end of July the case of an elderly man came to lightex-combatant from the Angolan and Ethiopian wars who survives by eating leftovers that you find in the streets of the Holguín province.

The man, identified as Julián Hidalgo Expósito, told the independent portalCubaNet who sometimes goes up to three days without eating, and when hunger is so strong he eats whatever he finds: "I know that if I eat off the floor I get sick, but it is worse to die of hunger," he said.

In February, a Cuban historian denounced the abandonment suffered by ex-combatants in Villa Clara and assured thatThere are not even wreaths for their wakes in funeral homes.

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