Maduro releases political prisoners after easing US sanctions

During Wednesday night, five prisoners were released, including Venezuelan journalist Roland Carreño.

Nicolás Maduro © Flickr
Nicolas Maduro Photo © Flickr

The Nicolás Maduro regime began the release of several political prisoners, after a temporary relaxation of United States sanctions, as a result of an agreement reached between the government and the opposition.

During the night of Wednesday five prisoners were released, confirmed Gerardo Blyde, coordinator of the negotiating delegation of the Unitary Platform in the talks with the government, reportedThe Voice of America.

The political prisoners released were:Juan Requesens, a political leader who was under house arrest; and the journalistRoland Carreno; who was arbitrarily detained in October 2020 and accused of the alleged crimes of "terrorist financing, conspiracy and illicit trafficking in weapons of war."

At that time, the attorney general, Tarek William Saab, pointed him out as the main financial operator of Voluntad Popular, the political organization led by opposition leader Leopoldo López.

They also left prisonMarco Antonio Garces Carapaica, linked to the case of imprisoned US citizen Matthew John Heath;Eurinel Rincón, arrested for appearing in a photograph with the political leader Gilbert Caro andMariana Barreto, a cardiologist imprisoned for denouncing irregularities in the supply of gasoline at a service station in the oil nation.

Prisoners released

These releases occurred hours after theMaduro government and the opposition Unitary Platform will sign an agreement in Barbados that promotes electoral guarantees for all political sectors.

Likewise, after the US issued some general licenses that lift sanctions on the oil, gas and mining sector for six months.

The Joe Biden Administration warned that failure to comply with the agreements will lead the US to reverse the measures and specified that, before the end of November, the Maduro government must take concrete steps, including defining an electoral schedule, the rehabilitation of all candidates andthe release of American citizens and Venezuelan political prisonersunjustly detained.

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