Waiters feed a young man with a disability who fell due to hunger in Havana

The boy, almost paralyzed in his upper extremities, dedicates himself to walking around the city and collecting plastic knobs to sell them and have a little money to survive.

Muchacho con discapacidad y camarero dándole comida © Vámonos con Juanka / Facebook
Disabled boy and waiter giving him food Photo © Let's go with Juanka / Facebook

Two waiters from a gastronomic establishment in Havana fed a manyoung man with disabilities who collapsed on a street in Havana due to hunger that I had.

Heyoutuber Let's go with Juanka was a witness to the event, which occurred in downtownSan Rafael Boulevard, and he felt so moved and proud by the gesture of his compatriots that he decided to tell it on his networks.

"Seeing this today in Havana has filled me with pride and hope that all Cubans are not lost. Seeing it in real time magnifies your soul (I don't know how to explain it)," he said in hisFacebook.


"Two gastronomy workers who served tourists at the facility prioritized helping this Cuban,almost paralyzed in his upper extremities, to the east falling in the middle of the street due to a descent (he had not eaten anything)", he said.

Facebook / Let's go with Juanka

According to Juanka, the two men sat the boy at one of the tables in the establishment, calmed him down and asked him what was wrong.

Photo: Facebook / Let's go with Juanka

"'Hunger,' I imagine the boy must have responded, and quickly, without thinking twice,They provided him with a cola drink and a sweet"he explained.

The author of the publication adds that the young man is dedicated towalk through Havana and collect plastic doorknobs, and then sell them and with that have their little money to survive day to day.

"Without permission from anyone, even from the good Cubans who did not hesitate to react, I took the audacity to share it with you and take these photos of the moment," he clarified.

"I can only tell you thatIt was a great pride to witness this event, in the midst of so much misery and need. in Cuba, even, of so much human misery," he concluded.

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