Bad Bunny sweeps Saturday Night Live with Lady Gaga, Pedro Pascal and Mick Jagger: This was his time on the show

Bad Bunny got a slap from Mick Jagger in one of the sketches of the popular show. Do not miss it!

After releasing his album Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow and find yourself at the top of the charts with him, Bad Bunny came to one of the most popular programs on American television: Saturday Night Live, where he was not only a guest artist but also as host of the evening, where he had luxury guests such as Lady Gaga, Peter Pascal O Mick Jagger.

The program presented by Bad Bunny had a great Latin touch, as it could not be otherwise. In several sketches They spoke Spanish and even Mick Jagger spoke the language in the parody of the soap opera they did with the Cuban-American comedian. Marcello Hernandez. In one of the scenes of this kind of soap opera they made, the Rolling Stones legend slapped the Puerto Rican artist as part of the script.

Without a doubt, one of the comedy moments of SNL.

Of course, the "Me Porto Bonito" performer excelled as host of the iconic program, where he had a great time and made the audience enjoy his leading role in the show.

Throughout her episode, she acted, sang, and also dressed as a nun and Shrek.

Bad Bunny - whose real name is Benito Martínez - was also very grateful for the opportunity to be on the program, which he had already been on years ago but only as a guest artist. Now, the Bad Rabbit conquered everyone with his charisma also serving as presenter.

What did you think of the program presented by Bad Bunny?

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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