They arrest a Cuban woman for selling fake bags in Hialeah

She sold the fake bags to her clients, claiming that they were provided to her by a friend who was a salesperson for the brands.

Yanet Herrera / Bolso de diseñador (falsificación) © Policía de Haileah / Publicidad en web de moda
Yanet Herrera / Designer bag (fake) Photo © Haileah Police / Fashion website advertising

Thehialeah police arrested a woman who was dedicated tosell fake bags and told her clients that they were excellent offers on products from famous designers.

The arrest occurred this Monday, on multiple charges of serious crime. The alleged scammer's name isYanet Herrera, is a mother and is 35 years old. As indicatedAmerica she is cuban. He resides on the outskirts of the City that Progresses.

Herrera promised his victims that he could get them bags from luxury brands such asGucci, Louis Vuitton andDior at irresistible prices, real bargains that captivated their clients.

The buyers ended up discovering Herrera's scam and demanded that he return the money. The seller of counterfeit merchandise in Hialeah disappeared, eliminated the contact numbers and did not return a single cent.

Local 10 had access to Herrera's arrest report filed by the Hialeah Police Department. It was a private investigator who raised the alarm about this type of theft since the end of September.

The man was hired by two people who claimed to have beenscammed by Herrera. One of the victims reported what had happened to her and then another woman joined in to present her case.

The first victim paid $800 in cash and transferred another $300 through Zelle, which would total $1,100. She expected to receive a pink Louis Vuitton twist-lock bag, valued at $4,450, and a backpack from the same brand, with an actual cost of $3,250. When he had the products in his hands, he detected that they were not original.

The second victim had bought bags from Herrera on other occasions. He thought they were authentic because Herrera told him that he had purchased four Louis Vuitton brand bags, two Dior and one Gucci from a friend who worked as a salesperson for those brands "and sold them to her at a reduced price."

The private investigator gathered enough information to open the case against Herrera. He even added videos of the alleged scammer offering the merchandise to the victims. All the items the police seized from him turned out to be counterfeit copies.

From 2019 to the present, Herrera received 90 shipments to his home from a South Carolina logistics company. The packages contained handbags, purses and other women's clothing. He is estimated to have received $13,700 as part of a “systematic” fraud scheme.

Authorities caught Herrera on Monday while he was waiting for his son at boxing class in Hialeah Gardens. She was arrested on two counts of first-degree grand larceny, sale of counterfeit goods and organized scheme to defraud.

Designer handbag knockoffs can be difficult for many people to spot. There are specialists who are trained in its identification and Artificial Intelligence tools are even used to clarify possible scams.

There are also customers who prefer to pay less and take home a'superfake', imitations of high-quality designer bags, which are popular especially among young people with low income but fashion lovers. Definitely, what no one wants is to be sold a fool's errand.

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Gretchen Sanchez

Branded Content Writer at CiberCuba. Doctor in Sciences from the University of Alicante and Graduate in Sociocultural Studies.

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