López Obrador is vaccinated in public with Abdala

The application in Mexico of the controversial Cuban vaccine has caused rejection in part of the scientific community and has been received with distrust by the population.

The Mexican presidentAndrés Manuel López Obrador The Cuban vaccine against COVID Abdala was applied in public this Tuesday.

The public application, in which AMLO also got the flu vaccine, ttook place after his usual morning conference and is part of the efforts to promote the National Vaccination Campaign against this disease.

"You can go to the Social Security hospitals, the ISSSTE, also the Navy hospitals, the Sedena hospitals, the Pemex hospitals, all those that are federal hospitals and the IMSS-Wellbeing and it is already being organized so that this entire season can be apply the vaccine and take care of ourselves during the winter, that's what this vaccine is for, both of them,” said the MORENA leader.

On October 16, Mexico began the National Vaccination Campaign against influenza and COVID-19 for vulnerable groups.

The application in Mexico of the controversial Cuban vaccinehas caused rejection in part of the scientific community and has been received with distrust by the population.

In December 2021, Mexico authorizedthe emergency use of the Cuban vaccine, a decision that caused criticism in the Mexican medical sector, since the World Health Organization (WHO) has not yet given its approval to this or any of the Cuban vaccines against the coronavirus.

“The only vaccine against COVID-19 that has been published, that has undergone reviews by health authorities and that has been approved for use in children aged 5-11 years is Pfizer with a dose of 10 mcgs. Any other vaccine, Abdala included, has not been authorized by the authorities in charge of monitoring and reviewing its safety and effectiveness in this age group,” Cipatli Ayuzo, member of the Mexican Academy of Pediatrics, declared in April of that year.

In February of this year, for its part, it had emerged thatThe application of Abdala failed as a reinforcement option in Mexico, after only one percent of the population chose to receive the dose.

In the Mexican capital, where the Cuban drug was offered as the only option, not even 2,500 doses were administered per day between December 21, 2022 and January 24, 2023.

A few days ago, workers at the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) in the state of Morelos reported that their bosses are forcing them to give expired doses of the Cuban vaccine.

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