Dollar and euro set new sales record in Cuban informal market

As the month is about to end, the euro and the dollar make a new jump in their values on the black market.

Pesos cubanos, euros y dólares (Imagen de referencia) © CiberCuba
Cuban pesos, euros and dollars (Reference image) Photo © CiberCuba

The euro and the dollar reached new record prices in the last 24 hours, as revealed this Friday by the independent mediaelToque in the daily rate that accounts for the ups and downs of the price in the Cuban informal market.

The dollarrose two pesos in relation to the previous day and reached 255 CUP, a price that had not been reached until now.

In the case of the European currency, it also rose two points and stood at 262 pesos for each euro, a value that it had not held until now.

The freely convertible currency (MLC), for its part, maintains its value of the last few days on October 27, located at 230 pesos.

In the last 24 hours, the euro even reported purchase offers for 260 pesos on average, sales at 263.

In the case of the dollar, the median was 252 CUP in the acquisition and 255 in the sale.

The MLC, the sale of the virtual currency with which it is purchased in Cuban stores set up for this purpose, stood at 230 Cuban pesos in the purchase and sale.

Median of purchase and sale values (Capture of elToque)

The informal market governs a large part of the lives of the citizens residing on the island, since it is from the oscillations of this exchange movement at street level that the increasingly exorbitant prices of products are established, especially for items of First need.

Choked by inflation, the rampant economic crisis and food shortages, Cubans follow in the footsteps of the three reference currencies in the informal market as a lifeline in their daily lives. However, it is known that not everyone has access to them.

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