Exposed bones and desecrated tombs in Artemis cemetery

Many groups of remains were missing their heads.

Cubans reported that in the Caimito cemetery, province of Artemisa, several graves have been desecrated, the bones remain outdoors and many bones are missing their heads.

A Cuban woman and a relative of one of the deceased filmed avideo where it can be seen that at least nine ossuaries were opened and the bones taken out of them and thrown on the dry grass.

An open sarcophagus can also be seen.

The woman stated that several groups of remains that are separated into bags are missing their heads. He explains that supposedly these would have been used in religious rituals.

In this regard, he asked the families of the people buried in that area of the cemetery to come and recover what remains.

The man accompanying her, a relative of one of the deceased, said that he notified the police and Party authorities, but the agents who went to the scene said that no one could touch anything, they left, and have not returned.

The video was posted on the "Yuniet1976" account on the microvideo platformTikTok, where dozens of Internet users criticized the apathy of local authorities with the situation of the cemeteries.

"They don't do it for the living, they are going to do it for the dead!" said one.

"My people, thecemetery where the remains of my grandparents rest, it hurts to see these things, from afar I can't do anything, but it does hurt," said another user of the platform.

Complaints from other parts of the island indicate that the situation is similar indozens of cemeteries Cubans.

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