Maluma shows off Susana Gómez's 'baby bump': "Paris is growing strong and healthy"

The Colombian singer couldn't be happier with the pregnancy of his discreet girlfriend, who is pregnant with a girl.

Maluma She is happy for the arrival of her daughter Paris. A baby growing in her girlfriend's tummy Susana Gomez and is expected to be born next year. And in the midst of this sweet moment that the Colombian singer is going through on a personal level, he cannot help but share his joy with all his followers through his social networks.

From the emotional pregnancy announcement, which was during a concert in Washington, Papi Juancho has been sharing and speaking publicly about the baby and the illusion he faces his upcoming fatherhood, a dream come true for him.

"Our beautiful daughter is growing in her mom's tummy and gives me so many reasons to keep dreaming. She has changed my mind. She is everything to me now. It's a crazy feeling that only parents can understand. It's weird, but "I love it and my days are brighter than ever," commented a few days ago the "Happy the Four" singer, who has once again updated everyone about his daughter's condition in a tweet in which he published an image caressing her tummy. of his girlfriend, which seems to be his new favorite hobby.

"We love you very much, Paris is growing strong and healthy. Blessings to everyone always," he wrote on X (formerly Twitter).

Without a doubt, the images of Maluma and Susana Gómez speak for themselves. After sharing with the world the pregnancy of the discreet Colombian architect, the singer has shown his baby bump in all its glory. Something that its unconditional faithful enjoy and appreciate, who are delighted to witness of this beautiful moment for the couple.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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