How do you know immediately if your immigration court date in the US changes?

Legal Radar, a service from the Inmigreat app, immediately notifies Immigration court appointments in the United States. Discover the potential of this tool that will be your ally to successfully process political asylum.

Corte de Inmigración en Estados Unidos (imagen de referencia) © App Inmigreat (Creative Commons)
Immigration Court in the United States (reference image) Foto © App Inmigreat (Creative Commons)

Thousands of Cuban migrants are processing thepolitical asylum in the United States and are in danger of missing their immigration court dates due to the continuous changes that are taking place in the legal processes.

There is a way to immediately know any changes that occur in an immigration process or appointments, it is by downloading the Inmigreat Case Tracker app and using its serviceLegal Radar.

How do you know immediately if an Immigration court date has changed?

For those who arrive in the United States with a CBP One appointment or have been granted an I-220A or I-220B form, it is essential that they consider adjusting their immigration status through political asylum and maintain exhaustive monitoring of the process.

The path involves multiple stages and constant court notifications. The process must be carried out while the migrant's parole permit is valid and meets certain requirements.

Miss one of these notificationsImmigration Court Appointment from the United States, could result in immediate deportation. Staying attentive and checking weekly is essential. NowLegal Radar communicates everything automatically.

What is Legal Radar and how does it help immigrants in the United States?

Legal Radar It is one of the services offered by theapp Inmigreat Case Tracker, which keeps you up to date with any changes to your immigration court date.

Sends real-time notifications directly to the user's mobile device, informing about each change that occurs in their file. It facilitates making crucial decisions to achieve success in this complex process.

Now the migrant, in the process ofpolitical asylum in the United States, you can free yourself from the stress of monitoring the official website of the Court every week because technology takes care of monitoring your court case.

How to enjoy Legal Radar on your mobile phone?

Those interested in this service mustdownload the Inmigreat Case Tracker app for free, for Android or iOS, which is available on the Google Play Store and AppStore.

Cool Radar It can be used at all stages of the process of applying for political asylum in the United States. This makes it a powerful tool for thousands of Cuban migrants with I-220A, I-220B files and CBP One appointment.

App Inmigreat Case Tracker

What benefits does this technological tool offer?

In the list of benefits, in addition to automatic notifications, the possibility of personalized monitoring stands out because each case is unique and requires precise updates.

The users ofCool Radar They detail that they have noticed a fantastic saving in time when paying attention to their immigration situation and have been able to concentrate more on working and planning their future in the United States.

Legal Radar: A technological tool accessible to everyone

Keeping track of immigration status just got easier. The cost of this service is $3.99 dollars per month. Users assure that this investment is worth it because they avoid the risk of deportation due to absence in court.

Cool Radar It was designed so that anyone can carry it on their mobile phone. It is especially valuable for those who arrived in the United States under category I-220A, I-220B or the CBP One program.

Receiving weekly updates on immigration court appointments automatically is possible. Don't leave your path to chancepolitical asylum in the United States, if you can take advantage of the benefits of this valuable tool.

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Inmigreat is not just a platform, it is your ally in the US immigration system. We offer innovative tools to empower you and make your journey easier.