Jorge Junior sticks out his chest: "The best version of The 4 is me"

"I respect the new ones but I advise them to work so that in 20 years they repeat their names"

Jorge Junior © Facebook / Jorge Junior
Jorge Junior Photo © Facebook / Jorge Junior

With a message shared on the official profile of The 4, Jorge Juner recounted the origin and trajectory of the group founded more than fifteen years ago, of which he said that he was its best version.

"The group THE 4 created by Jorge Hernandez Carvajal on February 15, 2008, when you address and talk about it again, do it with great respect and care so as not to have to ask anyone," begins his extensive message where he also referred to those who joined the project initially and those who joined along the way when it was already bearing fruit and reaping success.

It should be remembered that Los 4, with its current name, was born after the director of Eddy K, Eduardo Mora, stayed in the United States. Eduardo Mora and DJ Tony stayed in the US, and Jorge Junior then created Los 4 with the two who remained, he and Damián.

"Those who started from 0 believed in me and went out on the court to whatever it took, defending the name of LOS 4. Those who followed already took on a job that was created and credible, that is, easy. What for me was and will continue to be a dream come true, for others it was a business or a job and that is where this warrior stands out from others," he continued in his statement, where he does not mention anyone but makes it clear that for him the best version of the group is himself. , because "with my dream I changed their lives, I gave them a car, a house, they saw part of the world, I showed them the way and today they are someone thanks to what they learned here in Los 4."

"Every day in this world we must say MAFEREFUN JORGITO and on November 11th celebrate it as the day of its creator," he continued in his commented publication, alluding to his birthday next Saturday.

After that, he did not skimp on listing the achievements of his artistic career and the obstacles he has overcome on a personal level.

"I am that version that they have not been able to overcome much and where I have spent 16 years with my pants on tightly saying there is no hitting around here. Where a country and part of the world continues to believe in me, where I went through 2 YEARS of COVID and many thought that It would be the end and look at me here, with my full band without changing the name or reducing the workforce," he said in that sense.

Theirs, however, is not the result of chance or good luck but of "knowing what you want."

"I respect the new ones but I advise them to work so that in 20 years they repeat their names, then they will realize that their work was not in vain and this is where their souls will be free," he asked in his post that closed with blessings for his followers. and the phrase he considers defines him: "I am the one who fell and got up."

Almost three thousand reactions and more than 400 messages provoked Jorge Junior with his publication shared eight hours ago.

His followers, for the most part, subscribed to his words and recognized his career as an artist and as founder of the group, although some missed a little modesty on his part.

"It's not where you walk but the footprints you are able to leave," he had said on Monday when wishing his followers a happy week.

Last September, when Charly & Johayron gave explanations for not having sung at a concert in Las Tunas, the leader of Los 4 regretted that stones had been thrown at them but criticized the performance of the young reggaeton players.

“I'm going to tell you something with the greatest respect you deserve: You have to respect the public and even more so when it is an audience that you don't know where they get their money to go see them."What they did is a lack of respect for the people and those who follow them," he said on that occasion in a post also shared

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