When is Thanksgiving Day celebrated in the United States in 2023?

Thanksgiving is a holiday for Americans and a tradition to learn for newly arrived Cubans.

Pavo Asado © Captura de imagen en YouTube Recetas y más TV
Roast turkey Photo © Image capture on YouTube Recipes and more TV

Thanksgiving Day, known in Spanish asThanksgiving Day, has established itself as a central celebration in American culture that many Cubans recently arrived in the country are not familiar with.

Some people hesitate about when is the day they should organize their dinner, what to offer on the menu and who they should invite.

This holiday is distinguished for being the favorite family gathering. In some homes it even surpasses Christmas or New Year's Eve dinner in importance. So you need to choose carefully who you invite so you don't leave anyone important out at your Thanksgiving dinner in 2023.

When is Thanksgiving Day celebrated in the United States in 2023?

Thanksgiving drives the highest mobility of the year within the United States and precedes the start of Christmas shopping, with the start of Black Friday.

It does not have a specific date, as is the case with Christmas or New Year's Eve dinner, which is why it generates confusion among Cubans who have recently arrived in Florida and other states in the country.

In the United States, Thanksgiving Day is celebrated every year,fourth Thursday of November. In 2023 the celebrations correspond this Thursday (November 23). In Canada it is celebrated on the second Monday in October.

Origins of the festival

The commemoration of this holiday dates back to 1621 when settlers from Plymouth and members of the Wampanoag tribe shared a banquet in gratitude for the successful fall harvest and the teachings of the natives in agriculture and hunting.

This three-day event is recognized as thefirst Thanksgiving celebration and a rare example of coexistence between European settlers and the original inhabitants of the continent.

In 1789, Washington established the practice of dedicating a day to gratitude, but it wasAbraham Lincoln, in the context of a divided nation, who in 1863 made the last Thursday of November official as a holiday.

Current celebrations

For American society, the holiday ofThanksgiving Day It is a moment of encounter and gratitude for the blessings received.

It focuses on the typical dinner in which theroast turkey is the star, along with side dishes and desserts that vary from table to table, including cornbread, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie.

Cubans residing in the United States have little by little embraced this tradition. The grandmothers make traditional turkey recipes that have already been forgotten on the island.

Younger Cubans learn to make American-style roast turkey, with various fillings and succulent garnishes. Generally, in this topic they do incorporate many traditional dishes such as arroz congrí, chicharritas, tostones and many more.

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