Shakira celebrates Thanksgiving with emotional photos of her parents and children: "We have a lot to give thanks for"

After solving her problems with the Treasury, Shakira feels grateful for her family and her fans.

Shakira has many reasons to feel grateful, and he knows it. Therefore, he celebratedThanksgiving Day with all his fans with a beautiful video in which he shared some beautiful moments that he has experienced in recent months.

"We have a lot to give thanks for, right? Happy Thanksgiving. And to my audience and my fans who are the cutest in the entire universe, have a happy Thanksgiving and all my love"commented the interpreter of "I congratulate you" about the video. Throughout the audiovisual images appear of the singer accompanied by her children, her parents, colleagues and she also appears in different performances in which she has starred.

But without a doubt, the main protagonists of the clip are his children, Milan and Sasha, the result of the relationship he had with Gerard Piqué, and his parents, his greatest allies.

Accompanying this message and images,He chose his song "Sale el sol", a topic that could have special meaning for her at this time in her life. And it is thatShaki has just closed some stormy chapters of his life. One of the biggest is the problem he had with the Spanish Treasury. The artist reached a financial agreement to avoid trial and be able to focus on her children and her new life in Miami.

PreciselyHe also dedicated some emotional words to his children at the Latin Grammy 2023, where he took three statuettes.

When collecting the 'Song of the Year' award, he promised them that he was going to be happy and officially said goodbye to his past."In the past there is nothing, only the future is remembered," he said.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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