Cuban activist Thais Mailén Franco's car vandalized in the United States

“This is my awakening, seeing that they vandalized the car,” said activist Thais Mailén Franco through a live on Facebook.

The Cuban activist and political opponent Thais Mailén Franco Benítez He was the victim of vandalism of his car in Las Vegas, the city where he resides in the United States, as reported on social networks.

In its Facebook account He recounted what his dawn was like when he saw the windows of his car broken and a Cuban flag instead of the front license plate.

"Today is my day off and well, I just got up and this is how the car dawns,” said Franco while showing his followers the damage caused.

This is my awakening, seeing that the car was vandalized", he indicated in his short video, without specifying whether some of the belongings he kept in his car were stolen.

The activist also pointed out that she had not touched anything while waiting for the police to arrive to file a report.

Several comments in the publication alluded to a growth in events of this type in several cities in the United States. “This is how things are, crime has been unleashed throughout the country,” wrote user Jenny Alina Céspedes.

Meanwhile, others assured the presence of followers of the Cuban regime in Miami. “How sorry I am, my sister, they did something similar to me, but we are not going to remain silent, those are their hitmen who enter through the border asking for asylum and in the end they come here to create problems for us and try to intimidate us, you are not you are alone Thais Franco, #Down with the Castro Dictatorship,” emphasized Yonimiler del Río Polo.

This criterion was supported by René Trimiño who added: “A word of advice, extremist and leftist groups in the US like to carry out these acts of vandalism against well-known anti-communist activists, which is why, even though we regret it, we should remove any symbol that represents us.” identifies as such.”

On Thai Mail left Havana in the first half of August 2022, in the company of the eldest of his three children, who was of age to be recruited for Military Service.

The weight of the threat from the Cuban regime of taking her back to prison for her political activism. She had to leave the country with only one of her children, because she did not have enough resources to take the younger ones out as well.

After crossing the border in October of that year through California, both were visibly emotional. “We did it my life! We did it!“said the Cuban mother after a difficult migratory journey.

In a heartbreaking message to his youngest children, Xabryna and Maikol, nine and 10 years old, respectively, told them: “My two little crocodiles, my beloved little children, I wish I could give them a hug and that we would all be together. "They don't know how much their mom misses them, I see them in this photo so skinny and barely without smiles."

In her fight to get ahead in the United States, the activist has had to face the vicissitudes of emigration. In March of this year, he had to stand up to a person who questioned that she was living in a trailer in Miami.

I don't have papers, I don't have a work permit and I live in a trailer, with great honor”, he stressed in a video on Facebook.

“I didn't come here to the United States to show off a dress, or a glittery purse, or a pair of shoes, or good clothes, because I have two children in Cuba who are suffering from the causes of the regime”, he warned.

"So, I don't come here in exile to live in a luxury house, I wish I could"I can't because I don't have a work permit, but when I work with dignity I will be able to have everything I want," he added.

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