
Vandalism in Santa Clara: National train stoned

  • CiberCuba's editorial team

Vandalism in Havana: Another bus gets pelted with rocks

  • CiberCuba Editorial

A public bus in Havana was stoned.

  • CiberCuba Editing

Writer and Cuban opposition member's home in Holguin stoned

  • CiberCuba Editorial

They report deterioration of the Floating Promenade of Havana.

  • CiberCuba's editorial team

Vandalism in Havana: Bus attacked with stones.

  • CiberCuba Editorial

A public transport bus was stoned in Havana.

  • CiberCuba Editing

Stolen objects returned to evangelical church in Holguín

  • CiberCuba Editorial

Man breaks window of state store in Matanzas.

  • CiberCuba Editing

Two Cubans stone a store and a bank in Holguin.

  • CiberCuba's editorial team

Group of young people stone church in Havana.

  • CiberCuba's Editorial Team

Activists vandalize $300 million mega-yacht owned by Walmart heiress.

  • CiberCuba´s editorial team

State taxi stoned on Alamar bridge in Havana

  • CiberCuba's editorial team

Another Catholic church in Havana was robbed.

  • CiberCuba's writing

Student eats artwork of a banana taped to the wall.

  • CiberCuba Editorial