Cuban-born businessman Max Alvarez gives away hundreds of turkeys in Miami

Cuban-American Max Alvarez has run the Sunshine Gasoline company for more than two decades.

In a demonstration of solidarity and gratitude, Cuban-American businessman Max Alvarez, through his company Sunshine Gasoline, has continued with his traditional annual donation of turkeys on Thanksgiving.

This event, which has been carried out uninterruptedly for more than two decades, represents for Álvarez a tribute to his roots and a way to give back to the community for the support given to his business over the years.

"This is a tradition that we started a long time ago," Álvarez said in statements toAmerica Camel.

Inspired by his parents, who taught him the values of gratitude and loyalty, this entrepreneur reflects his commitment to those families who, like him in his youth, came to the United States in search of a better future.

Álvarez, who started his business from the trunk of his car, today feels grateful and satisfied at being able to contribute significantly to the community.

The distribution of the turkeys is an eagerly anticipated event that brings together numerous residents who express their gratitude for the help received.

"We are well here in line since early," commented one of the beneficiaries.

"Yes, of course. Well, roasted, how we Cubans like it," he added.

The generosity of Sunshine Gasoline and the figure of Max Álvarez have become pillars for many, providing not only a valuable resource for the Thanksgiving celebration but also a palpable example of solidarity and humanitarian aid.

The gratitude is extended to the families who see in this initiative a show of support and unity, especially on such significant dates.

Max Álvarez, accompanied by the Sunshine Gasoline family, celebrated the twenty-first anniversary of this noble work from El Doral, thus ending another day of generosity that undoubtedly strengthens community ties in Miami.


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