A Cuban shared a recipe for cassava peel “chicharrones” which has provoked the reaction and alarm of Internet users, who showed concern about the health damage of the main ingredient and attacked the food shortage in Cuba.
“I hope that we are all developing our Creole cuisine with all these original recipes made with a lot of heart for the enjoyment of the family,” he wrote in the group ofFacebook Recipes from the Heart Jose Oscar Botello, resident in the municipality of Yara, in the Granma province.
The author of the post explained how, upon seeingother “formulas” that have appeared in Cuban cuisine currently, came up with this culinary invention that, in his expression “the little pigs got screwed”, summarizes the characteristics of a product that is mostly used for animal consumption.
He described the preparation like this: “Peel the cassava, take and remove the dark tissue from the cassava peel as seen in the photos, then wash them and boil them for a while to soften them, after removing them, chop them into small squares or strips and in a frying pan Fry with very hot oil and after frying, add salt to taste. I had gasps like soda, delicious and, best of all, they don't waste oil. To eat with pasta, mayonnaise, butter, a delight, bon appetit and I hope you do it and enjoy it with your family and with a lot of love.”
Although Botello cites several ingredients that are absent or scarce and expensive in Cuban markets,The biggest concern of Internet users was about the characteristics of the main product.
“Be careful with the cassava peel, that is where the cyanide is concentrated.”Aracelis Paumier warned in the comments.
“God! The Cubans! We are survivors! Kings of invention! But what we dream of is to live with dignity, now the pigs were left without sancocho or leftover rice, or cassava peel, or banana peel!, commented Deisy Lu.
The alarms spread to other Facebook groups, such as “Cuban Mothers for a Better World,” where user Ale Martínez warned: “A publication of cassava peel leafhoppers is circulating.Don't start inventing that the cassava peel is poisonous and harmful to your health.”.
According to publications consulted byCyberCuba, The risk of consuming cassava appears when this food is not cooked well, eaten raw and in high quantities, because it can cause cyanide poisoning, mainly present in its peel..
Among its main consequences is thatIt can lead to paralysis, organ damage, and even death.
Cassava is native to Latin America, and in some regionsIt is known as cassava, guacamota or casava, and is an example that some nutritious foods can be very dangerous in their natural state, says theSpanish Foundation for the Development of Animal Nutrition.
This is not the first time that these types of recipes have been questioned on the island. It happened before with therecommendation of the Brazilian theologian and sympathizer of the Cuban regime, Frei Betto, to fry potato peels, which he assured are excellent “for snacking.” Or, more recently, with therecipe for “ropa Vieja” with banana peels.
It happens that Cubans come to these culinary inventions in the midst of a scenario of food scarcity, where they must stand in long lines to buy food at more than high prices.
Regarding this fact, Cuban Beatriz Viltres Naranjo, resident in the municipality of Manzanillo, province of Granma,He questioned some questions from his Facebook profile: “Fried cassava peel? Plantain peel made of old clothes? Mamoncillo seed stew? Seriously? Is this what you can aspire to in this country? Is this the best diligence you can do? can ministers do?”.
To which he argued: “While the president and his people have parties where food is wasted and events where they present succulent dishes... in Cuba the people eat SHELLS!!!! This is past the political issue and borders on foolishness. Could it be that every day having a full stomach and guayaberas about to burst means forgetting what the people need? Or is it better to increase personal wealth and tour the world and then victimize yourself and blame the blockade?
“You cannot save the unsalvageable and this country is not going to be saved with marches through Palestine, nor by putting heart into it, nor by saying that we have to be creative... the only real thing that is said is that we are continuity... Yes:CONTINUITY OF MISERIES AND SHORTCOMES... A Revolution is not made of Continuity... because it contradicts the concept... IT MEANS CHANGES...and the change that this country needs is 180° because we are going around meaningless roundabouts...”, he concluded.
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