Mother resolves medical treatment for her daughter after a sit-in in front of the Ministry of Public Health

Yessica Peña announced that her daughter will soon receive the medical treatment she requires to improve her health, at the Pediatric Teaching Hospital of Centro Habana.

Niña enferma y Hospital Pediátrico de Centro Habana © Facebook/Yessica Peña y Cibercuba
Sick girl and Pediatric Hospital of Central Havana Photo © Facebook/Yessica Peña and Cibercuba

One of theCuban mothers who recently demonstrated in front of the Ministry of Public Health To request improvements in the care of children with serious pathologies, she obtained the medical treatment necessary to improve her daughter's health.

The woman, identified on social networks asYessica Pena and resident in the capital municipality of Centro Habana, published this Sunday on Facebook the news that there hadgot the treatment, consisting of a dilation.

Facebook Capture/Yessica Peña

A while ago I was looking for a solution for my daughter and since I had already published the responses that were not encouraging"Today the situation changes and as you well know, I am one of the mothers who attended the Ministry of Health at 23 e/N and M," Peña explained.

Along with the letter, the mother published fragments of the conversation she had with her daughter's doctor last October, when the doctor expressed his refusal to give the girl treatment due to the shortage of supplies in the country.

However, this Saturday, the doctor wrote to the mother asking how the girl was doing and telling her to go to the hospital next Wednesday morning, to admit her and perform the dilation on Friday.

“Luckily even the doctor was taught a little education,” Peña wrote sarcastically.

The mother asked that they be pending the admission that must take place on Wednesday in the surgery room of the Pediatric Teaching Hospital of Centro Habana.

In a protest last Friday, a group of mothers whose children are patients with serious pathologies stood in front of the Ministry of Public Health, in the heart of Havana's Vedado, to demand greater care and quality of life for these minors.

"We are demanding that there be a better quality of life for all these vulnerable children who are not cared for by the dictatorship.. "All these children are dying because of a dictatorship," he said.Diasniurka Salcedo Verdecia in a Facebook live while accompanying the affected mothers.

Some mothers who traveled from Pinar del Río to join the group were detained near the MINSAP, according to the activist. Others could not leave their homes because the police prevented them from doing so.

With the news that Yessica Peña and her daughter were able to take another step to obtain the necessary medical treatment, the sit-in in front of the Ministry of Public Health is fulfilling its objectives of finding solutions to a problem that is life or death.

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