Cuban girl Amanda continues in intensive care but with normal parameters

The girl's abdomen now has almost no fluid and is draining well, the hemoglobin rose to 9.9, the bile dropped to 6 and she stopped bleeding. Everything seems to return to normal.

Amanda Lemus Ortiz © Lara Crofs / Facebook
Amanda Lemus Ortiz Photo © Lara Crofs / Facebook

The Cuban girlAmanda Lemus Ortiz remains in intensive care afterreturn to the operating room for the fourth time on Thursday, but his parameters are normal.

It must be remembered that Amanda had to undergo a small surgical intervention because she had a large amount of bile thrown into the side and also had bleeding.

This Friday, the activistYamilka Lafita (Lara Crofs) offered better news about the little girl in her profileFacebook.

"The abdomen no longer has almost any fluid and is draining very well, the one they had put in since the second intervention and a new one that was added yesterday. The hemoglobin rose again to 9.9 and the bile dropped to 6, it stopped bleeding. Everything seems return to 'normality'. The other parameters continue to be constantly monitored, but none have alarming peaks, they respond to what is usual in a recently transplanted girl," he explained.

Facebook Capture / Lara Crofs

About recoveryEmmanuel Lemus, the little girl's father and who gave her part of his liver, Lara revealed that he is almost one hundred percent recovered and ready to relieve his wife in caring for the girl.

"Amanda has undoubtedly become the daughter of an entire community of Cubans, who feel that she is ours, we suffer, we laugh and we go through everything that happens to her. The two-year-old girl has become the hope of an entire people," said the activist.

"We are learning that hope is not always about waiting and many times it is more about walking together, united, strong, seeking that new rebirth that this land needs so much," he stated.

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