CiberCuba reaches a prominent place in the News and Media ranking in the United States, according to SimilarWeb

CiberCuba has reached position 847 in the News & Media Publishers ranking in the United States according to SimilarWeb, standing out among prominent media outlets such as and

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Similar Web Capture Photo © CiberCuba

CyberCuba has made significant progress in the field of digital media, ranking in the position847 of theranking ofNews and Media Editors in the United States, according to recent data fromSimilarWeb, a leading platform inweb analytics. This recognition underlines the relevance and commitment of our medium tojournalistic quality and theinformative authenticity.

Recently,CyberCuba stood out forlead the ranking of media in Spanish for the second consecutive month (see article), and hassurpassed three million followers on Facebook (see article), thus demonstrating its growing influence and acceptance among Spanish-speaking readers. Besides,CyberCuba topped the top 10 Spanish-language media in interactions on social networks during July 2023 (see article), highlighting its ability to generate content that actively engages its audience.

By rubbing shoulders with large-scale sites such, in the place845,, in it846, CyberCuba demonstrates hisstrength andsingularity in the media sector, focused on providing relevant news about Cuba and Cubans, both within the island and abroad.

Ranking ofNews and Media Editors in United States

The position ofCyberCuba in this prestigiousranking is a reflection of the team's constant dedication to offering abalanced and objective coverage, delving into theCuban reality and global events impacting the Cuban community in the United States and beyond.

This inclusion inSimilarWeb evidence not only thegrowth ofCyberCuba in the competitive world of digital media, but also thetrust and thegrowing interest of our audience. With an approach that combinesdetailed reports, acute analysis and coverage inreal time of crucial events, we have positioned ourselves as areliable source of information and respected by a wide and diverse public.

This achievement is, above all, a triumph shared with ourreaders, whosefidelity andtrust They are the engine that drives us to continue growing and to remain as aindispensable and critical voice in the field of media. It is important to highlight thatCyberCuba It has been censored by the Cuban regime since 2016, blocking access from the island to the website.

About CiberCuba

CyberCuba is an independent media outlet, focused on news related toCuba and the Cubans, both on the island and in the diaspora. Established with the objective of providingtruthful, contrasted and plural information, CyberCuba has established itself as a reference for thecuban community and for those interested in the political, economic and cultural aspects of Cuba.

Consult data from SimilarWeb

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Filed in:

Luis Manuel Mazorra

(Havana, 1988) Director and co-founder of CiberCuba.

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 +1 786 3965 689