Daddy Yankee reappears smiling and relaxed after revealing that he will dedicate his life to Jesus Christ

After his great revelation at the last concert of his career, Daddy Yankee returned to his social networks and was happy to the rhythm of "Bonita"

Daddy Yankee is free after having performed the last concerts of his career. Some shows that mark a before and after not only in the professional life of the reggaeton artist, but also on a personal level. And in the last of the shows he offered in Puerto Rico, the performer of "Gasolina" and "Dura" made a great revelation:He gives himself to Jesus Christ.

"For a long time I tried to fill a void in my life that no one could fill,I tried to find meaning in my life and sometimes I appeared to be very happy but something was missing to make me complete. and I have to confess that those days are over, someone was able to fill that void that I felt for a long time. I could see that for everyone he was someone but I was nothing without him," said Raymond Ayala, Big Boss's real name, before adding:"Jesus lives in me and I will live for him."

His followers, colleagues and family support the Puerto Rican artist in this important decision and have expressed it publicly on social networks.

But after several days, in which the news has not stopped going around the world,Daddy Yankee reappeared on his social networks with a selfie photo in which he appears smiling and relaxed. An image to which he gave a soundtrack with a very special song for him: "Bonita", his most recent release and the last one before his last concerts.

"Bonita" is a song that celebrates life and conveys a positive message.

This is the first time that the singer appears on his social networks after beginning this new chapter of his life dedicated to faith.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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