US House of Representatives approves impeachment trial against Joe Biden

Joe Biden has been accused by Republicans of maintaining alleged financial ties to China.

Joe Biden (i) y Cámara de Representantes (d) © Collage Flickr - Wikimedia
Joe Biden (l) and House of Representatives (d) Photo © Flickr Collage - Wikimedia Commons

The United States House of Representatives, led by the Republican Party, approved a resolution on Wednesday to formalize an impeachment inquiry, known as impeachment, against the American president,Joe Biden.

The vote received 221 votes in favor compared to 212 against, according to the American television network.CNN.

This Wednesday, Biden accused the Republicans of the Lower House of attacking him with "lies," after the chamber formalized the investigation.

"Instead of doing anything to help improve the lives of Americans, they are focused on attacking me with lies", he said in a statement after the vote, which he described as a "baseless political trick."

The president has been accused by Republicans of having alleged financial ties to China and of taking advantage of his political influence to benefit his family's businesses.

The investigation was launched in September unilaterally by the then president of the Lower House,Kevin McCarthy, which was entrusted to the Oversight Committee, the Justice Committee and the Ways and Means Committee.

The conservatives trust that the formalization of the process this Thursday will facilitate their access to information, documents and testimonies.

They accuse the Democratic president ofuse his influence when he was vice president of the United States during the Government of Barack Obama (2009-2017) to help his son Hunter and other relatives in alleged irregular businesses with "enemies" of the country.

The United States Constitution establishes that the president can be removed from office if he committed "high crimes or misdemeanors"

The now speaker of the Lower House, Mike Johnson, says that the committees have concluded that The Biden family received more than $15 million from foreign companies and governments in Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Romania and China between 2014 and 2019.

His partners would have received another 9 million.

The president's son, Hunter Biden, had been summoned this Wednesday to testify behind closed doors, but he failed to comply with his subpoena, claiming that he wants his testimony to be public.

The House of Representatives must vote on whether to bring charges against the current president, but the power to remove the country's president subsequently falls to the Senate, where Democrats currently have control.

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