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Trump's message after the protests in Cuba: "We are with you"

"Under my administration, we will again be very strong on the oppressors, unlike corrupt Joe Biden, who has been very weak on the communists."

The former president of the United StatesDonald Trump expressed his support for the Cubans who staged protests against the Castro regime in several cities last Sunday.

In a video posted Friday onTruth Social, Trump assured that he is closely following the situation in Cuba and listed the main problems suffered by the population on the Island.

"I want to express my admiration and support for all the brave people of Cuba, who face the vile communist regime. It is not easy, we realize this and we are going to change it," said the Republican leader.

"Under Cuba's brutal and corrupt dictators, the Cuban people are suffering terrible food shortages, power blackouts, poverty, political repression and religious persecution," he added.

"I want the people of Cuba to know that we are watching very closely what is happening in Santiago every minute of the day. We are with you," he stressed.

Trump, who is emerging as the Republican Party candidate in the November elections, accused Joe Biden of having been "weak" with the Cuban communist government and announced that it will not be the same with him in the White House.

"Under my administration, we will again be very strong with the oppressors, unlike the corrupt Joe Biden, who has been very weak with the communists. I am with the Cuban people. He does not support them. He does not care about them. He could not care less," he said.

"I echo your call to release the political prisoners in Cuba and to have free and fair elections. You have to have free and fair elections," he said, before noting that the United States also has some problems with that.

"Above all, I share your vision of a safe, prosperous and free Cuba. God bless the Cuban people and God bless the United States," he concluded.

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