Pending what Judge Richard Hersch decides regardingDerek Rose This Friday, some of the statements given yesterday by six witnesses who presented their arguments about the case of the teenager who stabbed his mother to death on October 12 are still shocking.
Detective Joseph Elosegui, of the Hialeah Police Department's Major Crimes Unit,showed that Rosa did six Google searches the night she murdered her mother.
Those searches included: "Carotid artery image diagram"; "Where is the best place to stab someone?"; "Is a small knife good for killing?"; "Is it easier to kill someone with a small knife?" and "Can a knife cut a bone?"
The last inquiry was related to ways to access a machine gun.
Detectives also revealed that Rosa told police during her confession to authorities that she called her mother a “faggot” right before stabbing her.
Especially delicate and disturbing is the detail that the teenager stabbed his mother in different areas of the body.up to 46 times. The only part that escaped the knife were hamstrings.
All revelations that caused a great impact in the room and also among those who have followed the case through the media.
The ShepherdDavid Monduy -from the Rescate church- said in statements collected byUnivision that he met with the minor, that he was receptive and that they both prayed together.
"I basically presented God's story from beginning to end, and I talked to him about how the Lord gives everyone a chance. That we all fail, that we all sin, and that God is willing to forgive everyone. No matter the magnitude of the fault that we have done," Monduy said.
Regarding Derek Rosa's permanence in theMetro West Detention Center, the judge is expected to decide today whether or not he will be transferred back to a juvenile detention center, as the minor's lawyers and family want.
Rosa is in a direct supervision area because she is considered high profile. The teenager is alone in a cell with a frosted window, without a direct view of the outside. When he leaves his cell he interacts with the staff, who play and watch television with him.
He has no contact with other prisoners. The teenager is the youngest of 34 minors detained in the new Metro West juvenile section. The rest are between 16 and 17 years old.
He wears a brown juvenile uniform, receives a limited amount of academic instruction and spends up to 20 hours alone in his cell.
The defense, however, is determined to prove that Rosa's rights are being violated by remaining in the Metro West adult prison, being a minor, even thoughIt was determined that he would be tried as an adult.
In early December the Miami-Dade State Attorney's Office publishedChilling images of the crime scene committed by Derek Rosa. The leaked images included a photo of a large kitchen knife that was used as a murder weapon.
Some photos captured by the camera of a baby monitor that was installed in the room and that recorded the crime on video were also published. However, the local press only published still photos of the event. In one of them the victim, Irina García, was seen semi-lying in her bed at 10:23 p.m. while holding her barely 14-day-old baby in her arms.
Another image captured at 11 p.m. -apparently with the lights off while the mother and daughter were already sleeping- showed Derek Rosa on his back next to the place where his mother was. Presumably that photo showed the exact moment he committed the crime.
In late October, a grand jury determined that Derek Rosa will be tried as an adult and face a charge of first-degree murder.
On the night of October 12, the teenager stabbed his mother to death while the woman was sleeping. He did it in front of his little sister, a 14-day-old baby. He then called the 911 line and gave details of what happened inside the apartment. After the crime, Derek Rosa took photos of the body, sent them to a friend and told him that he had killed his mother.
When the authorities arrived, the minor came out with his hands up. The body of her mother, Irina García, 39, lay stabbed next to the baby's crib.
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