Alexis Valdés and her daughter on vacation in China: "A country with a surprising appeal"

"In Beijing we went to the Great Wall. Impressive," said the actor.

Alexis Valdés y su hija Amnérica en China © Alexis Valdés / Facebook
Alexis Valdés and his daughter Amnérica in China Photo © Alexis Valdés / Facebook

From Miami to China! The Cuban actorAlexis Valdes He has left La Ciudad del Sol behind for a few days to go enjoy a vacation with his daughterAmerica Valdes to a destination quite far from home:China.

Father and daughter have been spending a few days in the Asian country where they have felt very attracted by both its cultural richness and the great attractions that its cities hold.

The artist himself has been telling his Instagram followers some of the stops and places he has visited along with America, among which are the cities of Beijing and Shanghai. To move from one city to another, both used the Maglev, the fastest high-speed train in the world, as a means of transportation.

As if that were not enough, Alexis and America had the opportunity to visit the Great Wall of China, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1987 and chosen 20 years later as one of the seven wonders of the modern world. The actor described the experience as "impressive."

According to what the famous Cuban artist also said on his social network, he has been quite fascinated with the culture of the Asian nation and considers that China is a country with surprising attractiveness.

"With América Valdés traveling through China. From Beijing to Shanghai we went on the Chinese high-speed train (the fastest in the world) the Maglev (460 km/h). In Beijing we went to the Great Wall. Impressive. And to the neighborhoods traditional Houtong. A country with a surprising appeal", expressed Alexis next to her photo album.

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Yare Grau

Natural from Cuba, but I live in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Valencia. I am currently part of the CiberCuba team as an editor in the Entertainment section.

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