Regime threatens to extradite and prosecute Cubans included in the "National Terrorist List" in absentia

The presenter Humberto López starred in a new chapter of threats and coercion from his program Razones de Cuba, which featured three guests belonging to the regime's repressive machinery.

The Cuban regime threatened this Tuesday to extradite and prosecute in absentia thecitizens included in the recent "National Terrorist List" who are exiled in third countries.

In prime time on Cuban Television, the presenterHumberto Lopez starred in a new chapter of threats and coercion from his programReasons for Cuba, which had three guests belonging to the regime's repressive machinery.

Pilar Varona, Deputy Minister of Justice;Marcos Caraballo de la Rosa, deputy attorney general, and Lieutenant ColonelFrancisco Estrada, head of Department in the Instruction Body of theState Security, answered the presenter's questions in a pre-established script aimed at intimidating the population and, especially, Cuban activists and opponents.

What can happen to these people who are not in Cuba?"López asked Caraballo de la Rosa, referring to the 61 people whom Havana accuses of sponsoring terrorism in Cuba, and who were included in theResolution 19/2023 of theMinisterio del Interior (MININT).

Cuban legislation, includingthe recently approved Penal Code, allows the extradition of these people, indicated the interviewee. Making mention ofArticle 720, the jurist explained what is contained in Title VI of the Penal Code (CP), about International Criminal Cooperation, and especially its Chapter II (about Extradition).

The extradition of the persons claimed to be prosecuted, judged, sanctioned or to serve a sanction, may be requested or granted in accordance with the provisions of the law, the international treaties in force for the Republic of Cuba and, failing that, by the principle of reciprocity”, reads the aforementioned article.

Likewise, Caraballo de la Rosa mentioned theArticle 742.1 of the CP on “International Criminal Assistance”, emphasizing the legal mechanisms through which the regime could cooperate with the authorities of third countries to coerce Cuban activists and opponents in exile.

In particular, the deputy attorney general mentioned “the requests to identify,locate and occupy the instruments and effects of the crime, other property, properties and assets of the alleged perpetrator, for securing it for evidentiary purposes, preventive seizure, confiscation, confiscation or repatriation.

Also "requests for immobilization or freezing of accounts and preventive occupations of properties, goods and assets; and requests for the occupation or repatriation of property, goods and assets”.

For his part, Lieutenant Colonel Estrada explained that there are people included in the National List whoThey already have a red notification from Interpol; That is to say, that “they are in circulation for being perpetrators of a crime of sabotage”, a decision that allows them to be detained where they are.

In addition to these measures, López once again discussedthe possibility of “judging in absentia”, a topic that had already been addressed in a program in mid-May 2021, when the Cuban regime felt pressure from civil society that was manifested on the internet and social networks, which it classified as “subversive actions financed, called or coordinated from outside.”

“When the accused, accused or punished does not appear without justified or previously alleged reasons when summoned, abandons his place of residence or workplace, escapes from the place where he is detained or subject to provisional detention, or is serving a sanction or measure of security, or for any reason their whereabouts are unknown, prior to having exhausted the means of locating them, the acting authority issues a request for their summons, search and capture, with expression of the necessary data and circumstances and the period within which they must be presented. , under penalty of being declared in default if he does not do so,” reads Article 756.1 of the CP.

The crimes contemplated in these regulations carry extremely severe penalties, such as sentences of 10 to 30 years of deprivation of liberty, but also life imprisonment and the death penalty, explained those invited toReasons for Cuba in a new episode of exhibitionism of State terrorism wielded by the Cuban totalitarian regime.

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Filed in:

Ivan Leon

Graduate in journalism. Master in Diplomacy and RR.II. by the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master in RR.II. and European Integration by the UAB.

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