Yusuam Palacios describes the opposition as "beings with low souls"

The representative for Sagua de Tánamo Yusuam Palacios Ortega attacked Cubans critical of the government whom he considers "beings with low souls."

The representative for Sagua de Tánamo, Holguín, Yusuam Palacios Ortega, attacked Cuban critics of the government, classifying them as "beings with low souls", considering them to have little ethics for attacking the government.

Palacios pointed out the qualities that, in his opinion, an opponent should have: "The opposition, if it is true, points out the error, makes a proposal, but with dignity and ethics."

"The government is the decorum of the country," said the deputy, who described the opponents as "the volunteers of this century."

Palacios Ortega wasdestitute recently as president of the Martiano Youth Movement (MJM), an organization of the Union of Young Communists (UJC) which aims to bring the work and thoughts of José Martí to the new generations on the island.

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