Memes rain down for photos of candidates for deputies in Cuba: "Pure innocence"

The National Electoral Council shared the biographical files of the candidates and Internet users have begun to make memes of many of them.

Memes de Manuel Marrero / Raúl Castro © Facebook Edmundo Dantes Junior
Manuel Marrero / Raúl Castro Memes Photo © Facebook Edmundo Dantes Junior

This article is from 1 year ago

After the photographs and biographical synthesis of the nominees for the National Assembly of People's Power began to circulate in the official media, it did not take long for them to appear on social networks. memes with photos of the candidates.

He March 26 will be the elections in Cuba and the National Electoral Council shared the biographical files of the candidates.

One of the characters that has the most memes is the Cuban Prime Minister, Manuel Marrero.

On the Edmundo Dantés Junior Facebook profile, several posts dedicated to this topic appear under the title: "The deputies are so cute".

The author of the post joked about the "face of pure innocence" that the communist official has. One person responded: "Anjá, enormous innocence. Imagine that he has his entire family outside of Cuba and business. That is the best of the entire leadership."

Manuel Marrero meme

Marrero is usually very criticized for being overweight, in the midst of an unprecedented food crisis in the country.

Many comments focus on the filters that the image editors of the National Electoral Council have used for the photos, since Raul Castro who is 91 years old, looks like he is 60.

Raul Castro

"Who is taking those photos? Have you seen Raúl Castro? He is about 64 years younger. Or it's artificial intelligence, what do I know..." Dantés commented alongside "retouched" images of the Army General.

Raúl Castro Meme

Some users joked that the government didn't have photographers because "the one there left the country" and they had to use archive images.

Raúl Castro Meme

"That's not Raúl, it's a double"said another person, laughing. This comment is very common, since there has always been speculation in Cuba about the use of doubles for the Castros' security.

Another figure that has numerous memes is Yusuam Palacios, director of the Forge Martiana.

Yusuam Palacios meme

"It has one entrance with more cockroaches than the other. Maybe he wanted to be a junkie. That barber is paid by the empire," said one user.

"That photo has been through more filters than any Kim Kardashian post," another person commented.

The electoral farce in Cuba has aroused humor and also critical reactions. Activists have begun to move public opinion and have called for international organizations and other governments to act as observers.

In Miami, some activists who promote abstention in the elections in Cuba They called last week an event to “celebrate the plurality” of independent civil society. The 'Cuba says NO to the dictatorship' campaign promotes NO participation in the March 26 elections.

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