Police violence in Cuba: Police beat an immobilized young man

Two police officers arrested a young man, and while he was handcuffed one of them hit him on the hood of the patrol car.

The video of a new incident of police violence in Cuba was spread on social networks.

The opposition tweeter Liboriospread the video where you can see how two police officers arrested a young man, and while he was handcuffed one of them hit him on the hood of the patrol car.

“This happens every day in Cuba Terrorist State with total impunity. As with femicides, the Cuban regime denies the existence of the problem of police violence, even when the evidence shows the opposite,” Liborio said on X (formerly Twitter).

Reports about police violence on the island are increasingly common thanks to social networks.

A few days ago, residents of Camagüey denouncedpolice violence during the arrest of a woman in a cafeteria in that Cuban city.

Journalist José Luis Tan Estrada posted two videos that witnesses of the incident sent him, and where a police officer can be seen arguing and attacking the detainee.

Also a few weeks ago,another Cuban police officer acted with violence when he tried to arrest a man inside a home in Gibara, Holguín.

The police officer attacked the detainee, his ex-wife and his minor daughter, according to a family complaint.

Likewise, in April a young Cuban was a victim ofpolice abuse in Ciego de Ávila, where he was beaten by two officers who shouted "I am Fidel."

The violent event occurred in Plaza Camilo, in the Ciego de Ávila municipality, when two police officers yelled at a young black man and severely beat him when taking him to the patrol car.

In March a 30-year-old young man died in Santiago de Cubaafter a beating by a police officer of that town. The victim, identified as Sergio Pozo Hernández, passed on the motorcycle by the place where the police had detained a thief, and when he did not obey an order to stop, an officer threw a chair at him with the engine running. He was then beaten until he was in critical condition and he died in the hospital, the family said.

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