Shakira, excited with her sculpture: "Tribute to Colombian women and Barranquilla women"

"If you see, it is the dress transforming into waves, it is the river and the sea, because Shakira is river and sea, it is Barranquilla," said sculptor Yino Marquez.

The Colombian singer Shakira confessed that she was very excited after revealing herself a statue in his honor, in his native Barranquilla.

Along with a video of the moment in which the piece was unveiled, in the proud presence of the singer's parents, he thanked "this tribute to Colombian women and the Barranquillas inside and outside my land."

"A job on my part done with a lot of professionalism and a lot of honesty. If you see, it is the dress transforming into waves, it is the river and the sea, because Shakira is river and sea, it is Barranquilla," said the sculptor Yino at the event. Marquez, creator of the monumental piece, which they hope will also become a must-see site for tourists who want to pay tribute to him.

"By paying tribute to Shakira, what we are doing is exalting and showing millions of girls that it is possible, said the mayor of the town Jaime Pumarejo, who echoed the event on his social networks.

"A heart that composes, hips that do not lie, an unmatched talent, a voice that moves masses and bare feet that march for the good of children and humanity. May you continue to be an inspiration for the women and girls of the Caribbean," he wrote when uploading a first video.

Then he shared another where he is heard describing the piece to the performer's parents as "the David of the 20th century!"

"The people of Barranquilla surrender to Shakira's 'bare feet'. In the presence of the artist's parents, we unveiled a monumental sculpture by @yinoescultor, which captures the essence of a 'Wolf' who has conquered the world with her hips, her curls in the wind and her bare feet. How 'lucky' to be the birthplace of the greatest artist in Latin America!" she commented.

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