Yotuel lights up the communists with its rum for April Fool's Day

The singer had been announcing this "new rum" for days. He caught the attention of his haters and then laughed in their faces.

Etiqueta falsa del ron Yotuel / Gerardo Hernández © Redes Sociales
False label of Yotuel rum / Gerardo Hernández Photo © Social Networks

Yotuel Romero ignited a debate on social media with an April Fool's Day joke, which has raised the ire of communists.

The singer announced that he would release a rum with his name on the market. The advertising image featured a bottle with a label very similar to that of an expensive Havana Club rum that is produced outside the island, in Panama.

Some independent press outlets, influencers and content creators on the networks began to speculate about the launch of the brand.ron de Yotuel.

Architect Julio Herrera in X

The debate heated up even more when several spokespersons for the regime made publications on social networks, outraged by the use of a label that, according to them, was a plagiarism of that of Havana Club.

Facebook Gerardo of the Five

Among those official voices that denounced Yotuel on the networks for producing a rum very similar to the Cuban one, is the former spyGerardo Hernandez. The CDR coordinator usually boasts of being well informed, but this time he didn't know where the ball was coming from.

Facebook Arnaldo Rodríguez

Another who criticized the false rum label was the singerArnaldo Rodriguez, director of the Talisman. He completely fell for the joke. He tried to laugh and ended up being the meme.

Image capture on the social network

Yotuel prepared his joke in advance and at the height of the debate on social networks, he uncorked the bottle, giving a bitter drink to the innocents who fell for his trick.

The artist assured that he has taken note of all the things that people have told him and has come up with excellent ideas for future publications. He is passionate about being at the center of the debate and does not mind playing with the feelings of "innocent communists."

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