Regime releases activist Ienelis Delgado Cue, "Mambisa Agramontina"

The activist was released from prison after nine months of confinement for taking a photograph with the Cuban flag.

The Cuban regime released activist Ienelis Delgado Cue, known as "Mambisa Agramontina", who had been sentenced to nine months in prison for posing with the Cuban flag.

The Cuban Human Rights Observatory confirmed that the activist has just been released from prison after nine months of confinement.

In a video published by that organization he reaffirmed "the will to continue fighting and remain firm in favor of the release of all political prisoners" on the island.

After being released, she thanked the Cubans who have followed her case and stated that now I am more willing than ever to continue fighting for freedom because now I have lived it. I know what a political prisoner goes through in Cuba. Nobody is going to tell me, I already know. We will continue until Cuba is free of communism. Homeland and Life," he concluded.

Delgado Cué, known on social networks as "Mambisa Agramontina", was sentenced by the Popular Court of Camagüey to nine months of deprivation of liberty after being held for several months.

She had been detained since April 4, 2023 for publishing photos on social networks posing with the Cuban flag, an act punishable by the government under the National Symbols Law.

The young woman was prosecuted for an alleged crime of"contempt" for those photos indefense of his friend Anniette González, known as "the woman with the flag."

Ienelis Delgado Cué, "Mambisa Agramontina", was arrested on April 4 at her home in the city of Camagüey for the alleged crime of "contempt."

During the months ofarbitrary detention, she was deprived of medical care and has been subjected to pressure and blackmail by the authorities.

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