They report an increase in repression in Cuba in 2023

During 2023, the NGO Cubalex has reported an increase in repression in Cuba, evidenced through arbitrary arrests and a high number of political prisoners.

Represión policial durante las manifestaciones del 11 de julio de 2021 (Imagen de Referencia) © Marcos Evora
Police repression during the demonstrations on July 11, 2021 (Reference Image) Photo © Marcos Evora

The non-governmental organization that promotes human rightsCubalex denounced theincrease in repression in Cuba during 2023, a period in which arbitrary arrests occurred and the country maintained the long list of political prisoners it has imprisoned.

In turn, the organization has expressed several lines of intention in this sense that the Cuban government presents in its various actions.

“In the year 2023, Cubalex has identified patterns related to human rights. These include systematic repression against activists, political opponents and human rights defenders, as well as censorship and control of information,” they stated this Sunday.via Twitter, now social network X.

The shared document details the repressive trends associated with human rights violations in Cuba during 2023, in which they specify each of the points they establish.

The first of them is theviolation of fundamental rights, described as one that indicates a violation of freedom of expression, peaceful protest and personal integrity.

A recent example was what happened toYudeyvis Reinoso, mother of a child under two years old, who was summoned to the municipal government of Marianao, afterstand in that state institution, to demand the sale to the population of the regulated quota of milk for children and their public complaints on social networks.

The second point is theclimate of fear, self-censorship, intimidating and silencing effect, understood as “state repression creates an environment of terror and insecurity that can lead to self-censorship.”

Among many actions of the regime, this fact was clearly evident prior to Human Rights Day, last December 10, whenA huge police deployment was seen in the streets of the city of Bayamo, in Granma.

In a video that circulated on social networks, residents of that town in the east of the country witnessed the passage of a caravan with motorcycles, trucks and police patrols, which did not limit themselves to putting on their show by sounding whistles and sirens.

Also, they argue that there is atactic based on the erosion of civil society, in which the objective is to generate an environment of fear and intimidation that undermines the intention to organize, limits participation for dissent and active political participation.

One of the notorious cases occurred in early November, whenAmelia Calzadilla, the mother who gained visibility for her direct actions in networks against the Cuban leadership, had to leave Cuba to give emotional and psychological stability to her children and family., as confirmed by the woman herself.

Another point is theperverse use of the legal system. An issue that becomes visible in the treatment of the 1,047 political prisoners found in Cuban prisons, according to figures from the non-governmental organization.Prisoners Defenders collected until August, which also adds almost 700 are condemned for the demonstrations of July 11.

Finally, they list thelong-term impact and dangerous precedent, related to sustained repression and its increase and diversification.

All these observations provided by Cubalex serve as a measuring object of the behavior of the Cuban regime, which once again, despite the complaints made and the x-rays carried out by various organizations, wasre-elected member of the UN Human Rights Council, while another year arrives without resolving issues concerning these lawsuits.

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