Former athlete Marcia Garbey, Olympic finalist in Munich 1972, has died

Former Cuban Olympic athlete Marcia Garbey, remembered for being Cuba's first Olympic finalist in the long jump, has died at the age of 74 in Santiago de Cuba.

Marcia Garbey en la Olimpiada de Munich 1972 © Olympedia y Wikipedia
Marcia Garbey at the 1972 Munich Olympics Photo © Olympedia and Wikipedia

Marcia Garbey, the first Cuban Olympic finalist in the long jump event and multiple regional champion, died this January 1 at the age of 74, in her hometown of Santiago de Cuba.

The news was given by the digital portalCubanet, which did not specify the causes of the athlete's death.

Garbey was born on February 9, 1949. The sports It includes in its statistics that the athlete competed in the Olympic Games in Munich, Germany, in 1972, achieving fourth place, and in those held four years before, in Mexico City, and finishing in 17th position.

In addition, the woman from Santiago reached the podium in the 4x100 meter relay at the 1967 Pan American Games in Winnipeg (with Violeta Quesada and non-Olympians Cristina Echeverría and Miguelina Cobián). In long jump events at this level, Garbey was sixth (1967), seventh (Cali, 1971) and fifth (Mexico City, 1975).

Facebook capture/Miguel Bernal Martínez

Marcia Garbey was a member of a family of prominent athletes, among whom her brother stood out, recentlydied in Havana, the boxerRolando Garbey.

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