Cuban priest Alberto Reyes: Our rulers are aware of the suffering of the people, but they do not care

"We have no reason to think that in 2024 the governing bodies of this country will do anything to alleviate the agonizing situation of the people," said Father Reyes.

Sacerdote cubano Alberto Reyes © Alberto Reyes / Facebook
Cuban priest Alberto Reyes Photo © Alberto Reyes / Facebook

The Cuban priestAlberto Reyes, a strong critic of the Castro regime, shared a text on his networks in which he proposes to his compatriots how to act in the year that has just begun, after confirming that the government is not interested in the suffering of the people.

Father Reyes, from the diocese of Camagüey, recalled that in 2023 both the crisis and the desperation to emigrate as well as the apathy of the government increased, and pointed out that there is no reason to think that in 2024 the authorities will do anything to alleviate the agony of people.

However, he assures that no matter how difficult the personal and social situation may be, every time a year begins the usual thing is to have at least a glimmer of hope for "something better," and he calls for betting on the best of each.

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"I've been thinking... (LVI) by Alberto Reyes Pías

I've been thinking about bets for the new year

No matter how difficult the personal and social situation may be, it is common to have at least a glimmer of hope for 'something better' every time a year begins. 2023 has been hard, with a continuous crescendo not only in the difficulty of acquiring what is necessary to live but in the number of emigrants and the desperation to emigrate and in the apathy of the government, which increasingly ignores the day-to-day life of this people while mobilizing their energies towards control and repression.

We have no obvious reason to think that in 2024 the governing bodies of this country will do anything to alleviate the agonizing situation of the people, and even less will they do anything that will lead to a change in the general situation of the island that will solve the stagnation social that we suffer.

Unfortunately, our rulers are either blind, and do not see the reality that surrounds them; or they are clumsy, and see, but do not understand; or they have allowed evil to enter into them, with which, they see, they understand, they are aware of the suffering of this people, but they do not care, and they have chosen to eternalize it, literally assuming the scheme of slavers and slaves.

Facebook capture / Alberto Reyes

We are alone, that is our reality. We have ourselves and God, who we cannot look at as the magic button that can change things. God works as a team: he encourages, strengthens, illuminates, gives hope, but he does not replace our part. Also, let's not forget that it was us who got into this, it was us who turned our backs and sold ourselves to the idols, but there is no point in regretting now. We only have to ask for forgiveness, turn our faces to God and learn, so that this does not happen again.

Where to look, then, in this new year that we begin? Where to place our bet? In us, in the best of us.

Because scarcity is omnipresent, but that does not prevent us from sharing and making common cause with those who have less.

Because the people who are importing goods we need are taking very high risks and have to pay high taxes, but they can choose to make a fair profit and not profit from the needs of their own brothers.

Because each of us already has enough of a burden on our shoulders, but we can propose to accompany and reach out to those who have been left alone, and to whom old age or illness have made them vulnerable.

Because if someone raises their voice they can be harassed and repressed, but we can try not to leave them alone, aware that “you can repress one person, in one place, at one time, but you cannot repress everyone, everywhere, at all times".

Because faith is a gift and a personal option, but we can help others to encounter the God of hope, the God who strengthens our steps towards the conquest of what is today's horizon.

Change does not begin with a demonstration or a public declaration. Real change begins when the heart decides to let in goodness and the desire for truth and justice. Real change begins when we assume the other as a brother, and we make the firm decision to seek good for everyone and never be complicit in evil.

May this 2024 bring out the best in our soul."

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