Cuban auctions her hair on social networks

“Value it, because everything is very expensive and a hairdresser puts 10 extensions on you and charges you 100 USD,” an Internet user advised her.

Melena de mujer a la venta © Facebook / Revolico Banes Obelisco
Women's hair for sale Photo © Facebook / Revolico Banes Obelisk

A Cuban woman decided to auction her hair and announced it through social networks, sharing photos of the long hair that the highest bidder will win this Monday, January 15.

“I'm selling my hair, I'm going to cut it on the 15th. I accept proposals and choose the one who pays me the best. I already rejected a proposal of 40 thousand pesos, because it is worth much more," he said inFacebook the user identified asYirian Dominguez.

Screenshot Facebook / Revolico Banes Obelisco

Her publication, which appeared in the Facebook group 'Revolico Banes Obelisco', was commented on by several users who advised the woman to value her merchandise.

“Ask for 80 thousand; it's worth them”; “Value it, because everything is very expensive and a hairdresser puts 10 extensions and charges you 100 USD,” two users advised her. “Ask for whatever you want; The hair is yours and they ask for a lot of money for anything… natural hair extensions are very expensive, so don't give it away either,” recommended a third.

Apparently, there were many interested in Domínguez's offer. In otherpublication, the woman assured that she had been contacted by many people interested in her long black hair, which reaches below her hips.

Screenshot Facebook / Revolico Banes Obelisco

“From the first day there were several bets. Currently two people give me 65 thousand pesos and another three give me 60 thousand, we'll see who gets it. Don't insist, on the 15th I'll tell you who gets it," said the author, thanking everyone who was interested and commented on her publication.

Domínguez insisted on the work that it has taken him for years to take care of his hair, and related that care to the value of his merchandise. “My effort has been great in all these years to give it careful attention,” said the woman, ensuring that the buyer will be able to check the condition of the hair.

Manes are usually sold for natural hair extensions, which are the most expensive of all. With the crisis of recent times, in Cuba there have been cases of women who have had to sell their property in order to buy food or other products to satisfy the basic needs of their children.

At the end of July, the Cuban motherLeidy González announced thatShe would sell her hair to be able to buy the backpack, the picnic bag and the shoes. that their children needed to start the school year.

“I work like a mule and nothing gives me anything, because when I think about gathering money for that I run out of rice or chicken or the divine component. "I need you to tell me how it can be sold, more or less I have it up to my waist and I have enough," commented this mother in a publication of the popular Facebook group 'Cuban Mothers in Cuba and around the World', where she asked for guidance on the ways to sell your hair.

In mid-May, another Cuban motherShe sold her hair to buy food for her children.. The woman, whose name was not revealed, lived in precarious conditions with her three children and resorted to this option as a last resort to acquire money and buy food at excessive prices.

A month earlier, a Cuban mother caused commotion in the Facebook group 'Change of everything' afteroffer a ponytail of your hair in exchange for girls' clothes from seven months and older, or by culeros and wet wipes.

The young woman, identified in the aforementioned social network as Kamila Valdés, specified in the comments section of her publication that the hair offered to sell or exchange for baby items was hers and shared photos of her ponytail.

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