Super in love! William Levy's son shares romantic photos with his girlfriend

The son of the famous Cuban actor cannot hide his love for his girlfriend.

Hijo de William Levy y Elizabeth Gutiérrez con su novia © Christopher Levy / Instagram
Son of William Levy and Elizabeth Gutiérrez with his girlfriend Photo © Christopher Levy / Instagram

Christopher Levy, the son of the famous Cuban actorWilliam Levy and the American actress of Mexican descentElizabeth Gutierrez, he cannot hide the great love he feels for his girlfriend Ivy Bridge.

The young baseball player, who is not very fond of sharing moments of his private life on social networks, wanted to make an exception to share with all his followers the sweet moment he is experiencing with his girl.

To do this, he has uploaded a series of beautiful and personal images to his Instagram profile in which he appears most happy and hugging Ivy while they both enjoyed a night outdoors.

"My favorite," he commented.Christopher Levy next to the photo carousel.

Ivy Bridge, for her part, also stated before everyone's eyes how in love she is with the artist couple's son and responded to her boyfriend with "I love you" in the publication itself.

In addition to the thousands of 'likes' and comments that the photos of the young ballplayer have sparked, many have referred to the great resemblance that Ivy Puente has with Christopher Levy's mother, Elizabeth Gutiérrez, as well as the young man with his father, William Levy.

Likewise, some admirers have agreed how much the young couple reminds them of the beginnings of the love relationship between William Levy and Elizabeth Gutiérrez.

"I love them, they remind me of William and Elizabeth", "Every day he looks more like his dad", "Teenage love. Beautiful Christopher and Ivy. They are beautiful moments to remember those first loves that leave beautiful marks in their hearts" or "Both handsome, I think I see his parents when they were young, they are identical," are some of the comments that stand out in the post.

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Yare Grau

Natural from Cuba, but I live in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Valencia. I am currently part of the CiberCuba team as an editor in the Entertainment section.

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