They blame the “blockade” for the shortage of condoms in Cuba

Marisol Alfonso de Armas, assistant representative of the Cuba Office of the United Nations Population Fund, stated that due to the US "blockade" there were difficulties finding sellers of condoms.

Condón y Marisol Alfonso de Armas, representante auxiliar de la UNFPA © X / @UNFPACuba -
Condón and Marisol Alfonso de Armas, assistant representative of UNFPA Photo © X / @UNFPACuba -

If the US embargo was missing something to become the perfect “scapegoat” for the Cuban regime, it was that it was also found guilty of thecondom shortage on the island.

But, for this purpose, the office in Cuba of theUnited Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) saw fit to include this accusation in the balance of its annual activity in Havana, raising the bar of servility and docility of these international organizations towards the Cuban regime.

“Despite our efforts, there were difficulties in finding sellers due to the blockade measures of the United States government,” he said.Marisol Alfonso de Armas, auxiliary representative of that UN body.

Meeting at the Sevilla Habana Hotel with other officials and journalists, Alfonso de Armas regretted the failure in 2023 of the UNFPA commitment to acquire a complete batch of condoms abroad for the Ministry of Public Health due to the lack of suppliers.

Aggravated by the government ofMiguel Diaz-Canel, the generalized crisis in Cubafully impacts the population in a multidimensional way. Population aging exacerbated bymigration crisis, increasing poverty, insecurity, uncontrolled inflation and shortages of food and medicine, were, however, not addressed by UNFPA.

According to Alfonso de Armas, the office of this organization in Cuba executed 95 percent of its budget, something that he described as positive and that translated into “support for Organizations of the Central Administration of the State, participation in events, meetings on aging, care systems and others, support for national congresses, design and implementation of policies, programs and legal frameworks,” indicated the ACN.

In addition, he valued other activities as positive: knowledge management, capacity building, creation of alliances and provision of services, the Policy for attention to demographic dynamics, the National System for comprehensive care of life, childhood, and adolescence. and youth, and the National Program against racism and racial discrimination.

Clothing for delivery rooms, sheets and towels, strengthening professional capacities and establishing alliances and services, which included condoms, contraceptives and intrauterine devices, were also discussed at the meeting.

However, UNFPA was left without spending 5% of its budget in Cuba, because the “blockade” did not allow them to buy condoms.

After half a century of presence in Cuba, the United Nations organization celebrated the knowledge acquired to “position our agenda and strengthen alliances to accelerate its implementation,” aexpertise which undoubtedly involves assimilating the narrative of the dictatorship.

In that sense, what better way to demonstrate yourexpertise that dancing to the sound of the Cuban regime's favorite rattle and blaming the “blockade” for a shortage of condoms, which has contributed to skyrocketing the number of premature and unwanted pregnancies in Cuba, as well asthe incidence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

The shortage of this product in the pharmacies of the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) has skyrocketed its sales price on the black market. In July,condoms were sold for more than 100 pesos per unit in the informal market of Sancti Spíritus, according to local official press.

At the end of March 2023,UNFPA donated 1,785,600 condoms to the Cuban regime male from indian manufacturerHLL Lifecare Limited, a corporation that manufactures health care products, owned by the government of India.

However, HLL Lifecare Limited was apparently warned by US authorities and UNFPA was unable to buy more condoms from them to donate to Cubans, according to its assistant representative in Havana on Thursday.

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