Stories from Cuba: This was the first film presentation in Havana

Ten batches were offered that day. Movies had a very short duration at that time.

The first presentation of cinema in Cuba It took place on January 23, 1897, in Havana, in front of the Central Park, very close to the old Tacon Theater.

The unique event was led by the French Gabriel Veyre (1871-1936) who was a representative of the brothers Louis and Auguste Lumière, inventors of cinema.

At that time the films were very short, they did not reach two minutes in length, which would be an Instagram reel today. Therefore, the first film presentation In Havana he had ten rounds.

Among the films that Cubans were able to see were:

  1. The arrival of the train (L’arrivée d’un train en gare de La Ciotat)
  2. The irrigated irrigator (L’arroseur arosé)
  3. The comic hat (Chapeaux à transformation)
  4. Jugadores de cartas o Partida de naipes (Discarded game).
  5. A charge of cuirassiers
  6. Salida de los obreros de la fábrica Lumière en Lyon (The exit of the workers from the Lumière factory in Lyon)
  7. Swimsuits in the sea
  8. Children's Disgust (Baby Complaint)
  9. La demolición de un muro (Demolition of a wall)
  10. Spanish artillery firing in combat

The short cinematograph performances were a total success. Approximately a thousand spectators attended.

Cubans were captivated by the art of cinema. A few days later, the first film was recorded in Havana, under the title "Fire drill", February 7, 1897.

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Gretchen Sanchez

Branded Content Writer at CiberCuba. Doctor in Sciences from the University of Alicante and Graduate in Sociocultural Studies.

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