Oldest hearse in Latin America still serving in Mayari

It is a 1928 Ford with cedar wood, mahogany and embossed glass that preserves all the original driving equipment.

The oldest hearse in Latin America still serves in the Holguín municipality of Mayarí, specifically in the Guatemala popular council.

The local newspaperNowshared a report made five years ago about this car, built in 1928, but which is practically intact thanks to the care of its driver and the inhabitants of that coastal town.

It is a 1928 Ford acquired that year by Manuel Ducá, a resident of the port of Nipe Bay, which he donated to the Mutual Aid Association of the then Batey Preston, named after the former Central Preston of the United Fruit Company , then central Guatemala.

The objective from the beginning was to use it as a hearse, for which it was necessary to change the bed in the fotingo for an obituary cabin. Renowned cabinetmakers of the time, members of the Jiménez family, were responsible for the modification, for which they used cedar, mahogany and embossed glass.

Finally, the beautiful fotingo was registered in 1929. Today, almost a century later, this automotive jewel preserves all the original driving equipment and is part of the Cuban heritage inventory.

It still continues to provide the service of taking the residents of the Guatemala popular council to their final resting place.

According to a neighbor, on one occasion they wanted to take him away from town, presumably for a museum in Havana, and the scandal was such that the promoter of the idea gave up.

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