Netflix reaches an agreement with Cuban exile leader José Basulto after presenting him as a terrorist

Basulto had requested a court order prohibiting Netflix from continuing to broadcast Wasp Network, or eliminating the part of the credits that specifies that it is based on real events.

José Basulto (i) and Netflix Logo (d) Photo © Wikimedia Collage-

The platform ofstreaming Netflix reached an agreement withJose Basulto, leader of the exiled organization Hermanos al Rescate, who sued the platform for defamation after considering that he was portrayed as a terrorist and a drug trafficker in the espionage and political thrillerWasp Network (Wasp Network, 2019).

The lawyers of the leader of Hermanos al Rescate and Netflix notified the Florida court this Wednesday thatThey had reached an agreement to resolve thedemand, although the terms of such agreement have not been revealed, as announced this WednesdayThe Hollywood Reporter.

The jury trial was scheduled to begin in February.

José Basulto had accused Netflix in 2022 to give in to the pressures of the Cuban Government, which grants filming permits to foreign films and which, according to the exile, does not allow recordings that are "harmful to the image of the country."

Besides, Basulto had requested a court order prohibiting Netflix from continuing to broadcast the film or, failing that, eliminating the part of the credits that specified that it was based on real events.

In the 2022 lawsuit, the leader of Brothers to the Rescue alleged that the tape referred to him as a “terrorist” and traitor to the country “trained by the United States.”

Basulto stressed in the lawsuit that the film represented his non-profit organization as a terrorist organization to justify the espionage of the spies.

He also harshly criticized the scene showing that the Brothers to the Rescue planes were shot down because "they were violating Cuban airspace," when he assured that they were "in international airspace" at the time of the tragic attack. .

Another of the arguments put forward against Netflix as a producer ofWasp Network -film directed by Frenchman Olivier Assayas- wasthe “romanticization” of the crimes of Fidel Castro's regime.

“The film is an obvious attempt to rewrite and whitewash history in favor of the Cuban communist regime and is objectively inaccurate”, the lawsuit said.

The document also criticized that the five spies who made up a Castro espionage network in the United States were presented in the film as “brave heroes.”

Wasp Network It was presented as an adaptation of the bookThe last soldiers of the Cold War (2012) by the Brazilian writer Fernando Morais, an admirer of the Cuban regime, who received approval from the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) for his book.

Although he traveled to Miami for his research on the Wasp Network and the legal case, he never interviewed or included the testimony of antagonists of the Cuban government in exile.

Film stars such as the Spanish Penélope Cruz, the Cuban Ana de Armas, the Mexican Gael García Bernal and the Argentine Leonardo Sbaraglia acted in the film, the latter in charge of playing the character of Basulto.

Basulto's was the second complaint by a Cuban exile against Wasp Network, since in 2020 theCuban-American publicist Ana Margarita Martínez also sued the film for defamation, after considering that the character inspired by her described her as a "party girl" and promiscuous. Role that was played in the film by Cuban actress Ana de Armas.

José Basulto, 83, is a pilot and veteran of the Bay of Pigs invasion (1961) and trained by the CIA for intelligence operations in Cuba and Latin America.

In 1991 he founded Brothers to the Rescue and survived the persecution of the Cuban MIGs that on February 24, 1996They shot down two small planes from their group, murdering four young crew members in international space.

Documents presented during the legal process against the five spies in 2000 indicated that the Wasp Network not only penetrated Hermanos al Rescate for intelligence purposes, but also planned to burn down a hangar of the organization to blame Basulto for having perpetrated sabotage. to collect insurance for the damage to the premises.

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