Willy Chirino rescues a photo with Rolando Laserie: "His legacy and career are part of our hearts"

Rolando Laserie was an important performer of bolero, son and guaracha, but after going into exile, he was relegated to oblivion in Cuba.

Willy Chirino y Rolando Laserie © Willy Chirino / FacebookWilly Chirino y Rolando Laserie © Willy Chirino / Facebook
Willy Chirino and Rolando Laserie Photo © Willy Chirino / Facebook

The Cuban singer-songwriterWilly Chirino shared an old photograph withRolando Laserie, an essential figure of Cuban music who, like so many other artists who went into exile, was relegated to oblivion in his own country.

According to Willy, when he was a child he idolized Laserie, to the point that he convinced his parents to buy him a hat like the one the famous bolero player wore.

"After meeting him, I admired him more for his human qualities and his incredible sense of humor. I had the honor of inviting him to sing with me at several concerts," he recalled.

Facebook screenshot / Willy Chirino

Chirino stressed that although his old friend died a few years ago, his legacy and career are an inseparable part of our hearts.

"This photo is in my house in the 80s... Like a movie!" he expressed on his wall.Facebook.

Rolando Laserie was one of the greatest exponents of bolero, son and guaracha. Also known as "El Guapo de la Song" or "El Guapachoso", he achieved great success in Cuba in the 1950s. In 1960 he left the country, after which all his recordings were removed from national radio.

In the United States he continued his artistic career. He died in Miami in 1998, at the age of 75, leaving behind more than 30 albums.

In March of last year, when Willy Chirino was celebrating his 50-year career, another great friend of his, the legendary Cuban clarinetist and saxophonistPaquito d'Rivera shared an old photograph in which they are both with Rolando Lasserie and the comedian Guillermo Álvarez Guedes, who died in 2013.

Instagram Capture / Willy Chirino

"Dear Willy, Brenda and I congratulate you on your first half century of your career, and I wish you to celebrate it with the success that you have always deserved as a good artist and a better Cuban. (And I am sure that Álvarez Guedes and Lasserie wish you the same since heaven)," Paquito d'Rivera told the author and interpreter ofIt's coming.

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