Anuel AA poses with his girlfriend to announce his Hollywood debut: "I always dreamed of it more than singing"

Anuel AA announces his Hollywood debut and fashion projects for 2024.

2024 promises to Anuel AA, who plans to venture into new professional facets outside of music. This was announced by the Puerto Rican artist on his Instagram profile when he posted some images with his girlfriend Laury Saavedra.

"I am a designer starting out in the industry. fashion and this year I debut acting in Hollywood, as I always dreamed of more than singing.", confessed the interpreter of "Richer than yesterday", who also revealed that he has big plans for this year.

"God is blessing me and giving me much more than I deserve. I am a trapper, I sing reggaeton, I rap and I model," said Anuel AA, who announced that in February and March he will release a lot of new music. "Businesses keep coming in left and right and my new album hasn't come out yet," he added in the message he posted.

He also commented that he feels very happy with his new work team.

Although the singer has not given more details about his foray into Hollywood, all his fans are eager to know in which film he will debut as an actor. In addition, many took the opportunity to comment on the couple formed by Anuel AA and the Venezuelan model Laury Saavedra, with whom he has been dating for several months.

And what do you think of the couple they form?

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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