Joe Biden raises more than six million dollars in Miami

Biden won Miami in the last presidential election.

Joe Biden © Twitter / President Biden
Joe Biden Photo © Twitter / President Biden

In an intense day in search of funds for his campaign in Florida, President Joe Biden managed to raise six million dollars in Miami, a city in which he won during the last contested elections against Donald Trump, the agency reported. WHICH.

Air Force One landed at Miami International Airport around 4 p.m., and Biden was received by the mayor of Miami-Dade, the Democrat Daniella Levine Cava.

In Florida, Biden would attend two fundraising events, one in Jupiter, north of Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, and Coral Gables in Miami-Dade in the afternoon. In both counties, Biden won by narrow margins in the previous elections, and now he aims to increase voter confidence for next November.

Chris Korge, national finance chair of the Democratic National Committee, hosted the second fundraiser in Coral Gables, and announced that the event raised a considerable number of 6.2 million dollars.

Ticket prices started at $3,300 and went up to $250,000, according to the Miami Herald.

During the event, Biden warned the audience about what he considers a possible nightmare: "Imagine the nightmare if Trump were to return to the presidency."

However, upon arriving in Coral Gables, a demonstration broke out in response to his management of the war between Israel and Hamas.

Although the protest only lasted about 10 minutes, tensions escalated when pro-Palestinian protesters clashed with pro-Israel counterprotesters, resulting in shouting and clashes. Miami-Dade police intervened, abruptly ending the demonstration.

Despite Florida's importance as a destination for Biden, experts suggest the state is unlikely to swing in his favor in the November election; Because in the last two presidential elections he has opted for the Republican candidates.

Although President Barack Obama won Florida in 2008 and 2012, Trump took victory in 2016 and 2020.

However, the chairwoman of the Florida Democratic Party, Nikki Fried, stated that "President Biden knows that Florida is worth fighting for."

Fried also recalled that on the ballot of this state there will be a question to ensure access to abortion in the Florida constitution, an issue that can mobilize the participation of voters of this party.

The right to access abortion, decriminalized in the US until it was overturned by the Supreme Court in 2022, is one of the strong points that Democrats will use with a view to November, including those in Florida, where a ban starting in fifteenth week of pregnancy is settled in court.

In Jupiter, where an event was held before Biden arrived in Miami, the president attacked his possible contender in the elections, former president Donald Trump.

"You are the reason Donald Trump is the defeated president. And you are the reason we are going to make him a loser again," he told donors who came to the club, located about 20 miles (32 km) north of Mar-a-Lago, Trump's Florida residence.

Biden departed Miami on Air Force One at 7:21 p.m., and returned to Washington, D.C.

The president, encouraged by positive economic news, is seeking to accumulate funds for his campaign, overcoming fears of a recession.

The Biden campaign and the Democratic National Committee announced having raised more than $97 million in the final three months of last year.

Biden won Miami in the last presidential election. Despite Trump winning the state and the fervor of Cuban-Americans in Miami-Dade County, Democratic candidate Joe Biden obtained more than 579,000 votes (54%) in the county, compared to 486,000 for President Donald Trump ( 45%), according to the official election website

However, Donald Trump significantly reduced the vote difference in Miami-Dade. Although Biden won the county, he did so by less than 8 points, far less than the 30-point difference Hillary won four years ago.

South Florida, with 34 municipalities, has 1,563,572 registered voters. In this election, 1,079,806 people voted, which represents 69.06% of the electoral roll.

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